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Releases: tracyone/vinux


07 Apr 03:10
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18 Nov 00:38
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  • add g:outline_plugin variable.
let g:outline_plugin.cur_val = 'tagbar' "or vista.vim, vim-taglist, aerial.nvim
  • neovim: lazy load neovim's plugin, speed up start time
  • neovim: use floating window in vim-plug

Full Changelog: V1.9.5...V1.9.6


09 Nov 00:55
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  1. add file explorer plugin fern.vim. To use fern.vim, you need to set following variable in feature.vim
let g:file_explorer_plugin.cur_val='fern.vim'`
  1. nvim: show pluginlist in floating winddow. Keymap: <Space>pl

  2. Create a map of airline theme to vim colorscheme

  3. Implement #91 . Extend sexy mode, now you can keey tagbar or file explorer opened by setting following variable in feature.vim

"0: turn off; 1: only file explorer; 2: only tagbar; 3: tagbar and file explorer
let g:enable_sexy_mode.cur_val='3'
  1. nerdfont: fix issue in some plugin. To enable nerdfont you need to install fonts that support nerd symbol, and enable following variables:
let g:feat_enable_gui=1
let g:enable_powerline_fonts.cur_val='on'

Full Changelog: V1.9.1...V1.9.5


10 Oct 00:41
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Full Changelog: V1.8.9...V1.9.1


22 Sep 01:12
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  1. Implement project feature
  • Use <Space>ss to create or save project
  • Use <Space>sl or vim-startify's session to load project
  1. Support coc.nvim. Another lsp client for vim.
let g:feat_enable_lsp=1
let g:complete_plugin_type.cur_val='coc.nvim'
  1. Support nerdfont.
 let g:enable_powerline_fonts.cur_val = 'on'

patched font: see YaHeiConsolasHybridNerdFont-Regular

  1. Update neovim config for version 0.90+. Support mason, nvim-tree.lua, telescope.nvim....
let g:file_explorer_plugin.cur_val='nvim-tree.lua'
let g:fuzzysearcher_plugin_name.cur_val='telescope.nvim'

Full Changelog: V1.5.8...V1.8.9


10 Nov 15:02
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Full Changelog: V1.5.7...V1.5.8


22 Oct 03:33
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Full Changelog: V1.5.1...V1.5.7


07 Feb 03:42
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Full Changelog: V1.5.0...V1.5.1

mode key description
n <leader>af open a new terminal in floating window
n <leader>as open a new terminal in split window
n <leader>av open a new terminal in vertical split window
n <leader>at open a new terminal in tab window
n <leader>jt open last hide terminal window
n <leader>jf Lunch fuzzy finder to select terminal win
n & t alt-h jump to left win (terminal win or normal win)
n & t alt-l jump to right win (terminal win or normal win)
n & t alt-j jump to up win (terminal win or normal win)
n & t alt-k jump to down win (terminal win or normal win)
t <Ctrl-w>q hide terminal win
t <Ctrl-w>a create a new terminal win
t <Ctrl-w>h move terminal win to left side(only in floating win)
t <Ctrl-w>l move terminal win to right side(only in floating win)
t <Ctrl-w>j move terminal win to bottom side(only in floating win)
t <Ctrl-w>k move terminal win to top side(only in floating win)
t <Ctrl-w>m move terminal win to middle(only in floating win)
t <Ctrl-w>n switch to next terminal win
t <Ctrl-w>p switch to previous terminal win
t <Ctrl-w>r rename the terminal
t <Ctrl-w>t move current terminal win to a new tab
t <Ctrl-w>s move current terminal win to a split window
t <Ctrl-w>v move current terminal win to a vertical split window
t <Ctrl-w>f move current terminal win to a floating window
t <Ctrl-w><tab> jump to last terminal win
n <leader>tr send current line to terminal win, lunch fuzzy finder if possible
n <leader>ta send current file to terminal win, lunch fuzzy finder if possible
n <leader>re open repl window for current filetype
n <leader>rr open ranger window
n <leader>rt open tig window
n <leader>rg open tig status window
n <Ctrl-v> paste

terminal manger v0.5

15 Jan 00:13
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<leader>jf : start fuzzy searcher to open terminal
<leader>jt : open last close(hide actually) terminal
<leader>av: create and open terminal in floating window
<leader>as: create and open terminal in split window
<leader>ns: create and open terminal in a new tab

keymapping in terminal

<c-w>q: hide terminal
<c-w>h: previous terminal
<c-w>l: next terminal
<c-w>w: next terminal
<c-w>p: last terminal
<c-w>n: new terminal
<c-w>r: rename terminal

In terminal you can use e (current tab) or t (in a new tab) command to open file in current vim instance.

Full Changelog: V1.4.0...V1.4.9


20 Dec 01:27
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Full Changelog: V1.3.4...V1.3.5