btfparse is a C++ library that parses kernel debug symbols in BTF format.
- A recent C++ compiler, supporting C++17
- CMake >= 3.16.4
Clone the repository
git clone
cd btfparse
git submodule update --init
Configure the project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
Build the project
cmake \
--build . \
-j $(nproc)
Running the tests
The tests require bpftool
which can be installed in Ubuntu via the linux-tools-generic
sudo apt-get install linux-tools-generic
Then, tests can be run:
cmake \
--build . \
--target test
This library is meant to be used as a git submodule:
- Enter your project folder
- Create the submodule:
git submodule add
- Import the library from your CMakeLists.txt file:
- Link the btfparse library against your target:
target_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE btfparse)
The library comes with a dump-btf tool that is output-compatible with bpftool. In order to build it, make sure to pass -DBTFPARSE_ENABLE_TOOLS=true
at configure time.
alessandro@ubuntu2110:~/btfparse-build$ ./tools/dump-btf/dump-btf /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux | head
[1] INT 'long unsigned int' size=8 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=64 encoding=(none)
[2] CONST '(anon)' type_id=1
[3] ARRAY '(anon)' type_id=1 index_type_id=18 nr_elems=2
[4] PTR '(anon)' type_id=6
[5] INT 'char' size=1 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=8 encoding=(none)
[6] CONST '(anon)' type_id=5
[7] INT 'unsigned int' size=4 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=32 encoding=(none)
[8] CONST '(anon)' type_id=7
[9] INT 'signed char' size=1 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=8 encoding=(none)
[10] TYPEDEF '__u8' type_id=11
#include <btfparse/ibtf.h>
bool parseTypes() {
static const std::vector<std::filesystem::path> kPathList{
auto btf_res = btfparse::IBTF::createFromPathList(kPathList);
if (btf_res.failed()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to open the BTF file: " << btf_res.takeError() << "\n";
return false;
auto btf = btf_res.takeValue();
if (btf->count() == 0) {
std::cout << "No types were found!\n";
return false;
for (const auto &btf_type_map_p : btf->getAll()) {
const auto &id = btf_type_map_p.first;
const auto &btf_type = btf_type_map_p.second;
auto type_kind = btfparse::IBTF::getBTFTypeKind(btf_type);
if (type_kind != btfparse::BTFKind::Struct) {
const auto &btf_struct = std::get<btfparse::StructBTFType>(btf_type);
std::cout << std::to_string(id) << ": ";
if (btf_struct.opt_name.has_value()) {
std::cout << btf_struct.opt_name.value() << "\n";
} else {
std::cout << "unnamed\n";
return true;