is a Python library to robustly calculate coordinate-invariant trajectory representations using geometric optimal control.
It also supports trajectory generation under user-specified trajectory constraints starting from invariant representations.
More information can be found on the documentation website:
The main features are:
- Calculation of invariant descriptors for trajectories.
- Fast trajectory adaptation starting from the invariant descriptors.
Invariant trajectory representations find their application in trajectory analysis, trajectory segmentation, recognition and generalization.
The package can be installed from PyPI or from source.
The package requires Python 3.8 or higher.
This installation option is recommended if you only want to use the package and do not plan to modify the source code.
Upgrade your version of pip
pip install --upgrade pip
Install the package:
pip install invariants-py
This installation option is recommended if you plan to modify or experiment with the source code.
Clone (or download) the invariants-py
git clone
Navigate to the cloned repository:
cd invariants_py
Upgrade your version of pip
pip install --upgrade pip
Install the package:
pip install -e .
Basic examples are provided to get you started in the examples folder.
More detailed examples and tutorials can be found on the documentation website.
To speed up the solution of the optimal control problems, you can optionally install the fatrop solver. The instructions are available on this page of the documentation website.
The following features are planned for future releases:
- Support for more types of invariant representations (e.g. screw invariants, global invariants, ...).
- Support for more types of constraints in the trajectory generation.
- Benchmarking between different invariant representations in terms of robustness, computational efficiency, and generalizability.
We welcome contributions to this repository, for example in the form of pull requests.
We wish to thank the following people for their contributions to an early version of the software: Victor van Wymeersch, Zeno Gillis, Toon Daemen, Glenn Maes, Ali Mousavi, Lander Vanroye
For questions, bugs, feature requests, etc., please open an issue on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you use this package in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Invariant Descriptors of Motion and Force Trajectories for Interpreting Object Manipulation Tasks in Contact},
author={Vochten, Maxim and Mohammadi, Ali Mousavi and Verduyn, Arno and De Laet, Tinne and Aertbeli{\"e}n, Erwin and De Schutter, Joris},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},