A Conic Quadratic Programming Approach to Physical Layer Multicasting for Large-Scale Antenna Arrays
This repo contains the code for implementing the iterative SOCP-based method presented in the following scientific paper:
Le-Nam Tran, Muhammad-Fainan Hanif, and Markku Juntti, "A Conic Quadratic Programming Approach to Physical Layer Multicasting for Large-Scale Antenna Arrays," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 114-117, Jan. 2014.
The Matlab code makes use of Yalmip as a parser and MOSEK as the internal convex conic solver for speed.
Recently we have found that MOSEK Fusion API is particularly useful if one wishes to solve a same convex problem for different problem data. In this regard, we also provide a Python script which is much more efficient if you want to run the algorithm for many channel realizations, compared to the Matlab implementation.
We also publish the codes on Code Ocean where you can run them online without the need to install the required packages.