Probabilistic data structures for OCaml intended for use in streaming data analysis
Flajolet is an OCaml library providing streaming data structures in the vein of the popular streamlib library for Java.
Flajolet is named for INRIA professor Philippe Flajolet, inventor of the HyperLogLog data structure.
First install dependencies:
- core_extended:
opam install core_extended
- farmhash:
opam install farmhash
- bitarray:
- uint:
opam install uint
$ make install
ALPHA Still very much in development.
Distinct values counting. This example: provides a very simple demonstration of the idea here.
Toy example usage counting 4 unique strings:
# #require "flajolet";;
# let hll = Hyperloglog.create 0.03;;
val hll : Hyperloglog.t = <abstr>
# List.iter (fun x -> Hyperloglog.offer hll x) ["hi"; "hello"; "bonjour"; "salut"; "hi"; "hi"; "hi"];;
- : unit = ()
# Hyperloglog.card hll;;
- : float = 4.00391134373
Supports approximate set membership queries with no false negatives.
(* Create a bloom filter with 10_000 expected items and a 1% desired false positive rate *)
# let b = Bloom.create_with_estimates 10_000 0.01;;
# Bloom.add b "hey";;
# Bloom.test b "hey";;
- : bool = true
Bloom.test b "nope";;
- : bool = false
A well-known sketch used for frequency estimation. You can think of it as a hash table for storing
approximate frequencies where you don't maintain the keys. You can ask "how many times have you
seen the blah_blah_blah
?" and the Cmsketch will answer with an estimated count. But it cannot
provide a list of keys ever seen. Also allows deletion.
The tests in are instructive.
Useful for computing the Jaccard coefficient in bounded space. Invented originall to detect near-duplicate webpages and can be applied to all sorts of near-dupicate detection problems provided you've got a way to featurize your data. Used primarily for set similarity but also supports cardinality estimation. See the tests in
Top-k queries in bounded memory. When you've scanning a stream user ids and want to ask "who are the top 10 most frequently seen users?" but storing a map from every user id to every appearance count is infeasible.
See for an example of using a stream summary to calculate the top-k most frequenty itemsin a shell pipeline.
a streaming histogram, allowing for computation of descriptive stats (min, max, mean, variance) and quantiles in bounded memory in a streaming fashion.
Have a look at for an example of using a Histogram to compute descriptive stats on a column of numbers read of stdin.
Example with some fake data:
$ cat floats
$ cat floats | ./destats.native
count: 5.00
mean : 2.00
std : 1.41
min : 0.00
25% : 1.00
50% : 2.00
75% : 3.00
max : 4.00
Another distinct values estimation method, this time created by a former student (Jeremie Lumbroso) of Flajolet's. The benefit here is that Recordinality allows you to count distinct values and to retrieve a sample of previously seen values.
Another distinct values estimator with scale-invariant errors. More space-efficient than a Hyperloglog often when cardinality is < 10^6 and the desired error rate is low. For more see page 27 of Chen and Cao's paper