A computer based on the HD6309 CPU, done for the Retro Challenge 2017/04.
Read the blog: https://namoseley.wordpress.com/category/retrochallenge/
- HD6309 CPU
- Binary compatible to MC6809
- ..but faster instruction execution,
- ..extended registers,
- ..additional instructions,
- and lots more!
- 1MB of RAM:
- mapped in 32K pages at 0x0000 .. 0x7FFF
- fixed page at 0x8000 .. 0xDFFF
- 2KB of IO space:
- SC16C550B UART at 0xE000
- 8-bit expansions port at 0xE010(untested!)
- Memory map register:
- 5-bit entry sets A15..A19 on RAM
- reg at address 0xE800
- 4KB of ROM:
- Memory check
- SREC loader
Licence: CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2
Development time provided by: http://www.moseleyinstruments.com