Automatically recompile a mix project on file changes when running in interactive mode with IEx.
Livedev uses Watchman as a backbone for file watching service. A running Watchman deamon is required in order to use Livedev.
brew update
brew install watchman
- Go to recent CI builds
- Click on the last CI build
- Choose your platform on the left sidebar
- Download the binary on "Artifacts" dropdown on the top right
Please refer to instalation for detailed instructions.
The package can be installed by adding livedev
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:livedev, github: "trestini/livedev", only: :dev}
Note: The updated hex package will only be provided after initial alpha stage (version 0.1.0+)
Start the Mix project in IEx with:
iex -S mix
Start Livedev watching with: