Inspired by AlphaGo Zero and nanoGPT, this is a minimalistic implementation for teaching a neural net to play the game of Go purely through self-play (chinese rules). No training on human games is involved, as this is deemed more elegant.
The code for PPO is kept readable to make things intuitive, sticking as close as possible to J. Schulman's pseudo-code.
def ppo_train(policy_net, value_net, n_loops):
policy_opt, value_opt = setup_optimizers(policy_net, value_net)
for _ in tqdm(range(n_loops), desc="PPO Steps"):
trajectories = collect_trajectories(policy_net, n_trajectories)
advantages = compute_advantages(trajectories, value_net)
update_policy(policy_net, policy_opt, trajectories, advantages)
update_value_function(value_net, value_opt, trajectories)
[1] Schulman et al. "Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms", arxiv:1707.06347, 2017.
[2] Schulman et al. "High-Dimensional Continuous Control Using Generalized Advantage Estimation", arxiv:1506.02438, 2015.
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