Basic Twitter Sentiment Analytics using Apache Spark Streaming APIs and Python by processing live tweets from Twitter.
- Perform Sentiment Analysis over live-streaming tweets from Twitter using Twitter API and Apache Spark.
- Using Apache Kafka to buffer live tweets data fetched with help of Twitter API.
- Using stream processing API provided by Spark convert the live data to DStreams and classify each as positive and negative.
- Plot the variation of word counts with respect to time period using python's MatPlotLib.
- Data-set for positive and negative words were static text files each consisting 3000+ words.
1. #Start zookeeper
bin/ config/
#stop zookeeper
sudo service zookeeper stop
2. #start kafka server
bin/ config/
3. # create a topic
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic twitterstream
4. # list all topics
bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
5. # Provide twitter credentials without quote in twitter.txt
6. #start streaming twitter data
7. #check streamed data
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic twitterstream --from-beginning
8. #do sentiment analysis on data
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka_2.10:1.5.1
Who needs therapy after this episode #TheWalkingDead
I bet we know who everyone will be for #Halloween #Negan #Lucille #TheWalkingDead
Okay but honestly... Jim would vote for Trump, right?
No matter how many times we fight you're my bestfriend and no matter what I will stop and listen to you. Dont forget that.
The tables will turn. #TheWalkingDead
@SydneyKoolstra and I have decided to involve our selves in what @10_shelby_10 is for Halloween. Choose wisely.
@ABC how does one actually offend a pornstar, that's not possible
Yeah fuck you negan #TheWalkingDead
I liked him tooo BUT BRUHHH
How's my little skunk butt already 2 months old😭😭😭 Auntie mo needs you to stop growing up so quick😭🐒💕
Imma have to smoke now instead of am cause im in bad mood
That axe is gona play a huge role this season #TheWalkingDead
#TheWalkingDead thought this show was about zombies 😭😭😭😭😭 wtf
Finally watching Hocus Pocus ☺️🎃🎃
@jayhamilton87 would've been quite the player
How they had us wondering if Glenn was dead or alive and then still kill him? smh #TheWalkingDead
@TylerSimi 😂😂😂 lol you're the best. thank you silly
Thanks to Prague, I now have my 10th tattoo. Also thanks to Prague, it's 3 am and I am doing homework.
@kevinmelrose94 thank you Aaron!
Robbery | Maple Leaf Dr & Jane St Black Cr S Ramp [12 Div.] 10/23 21:53 #Toronto_Division
What about classy ? I only het hood when needed too 😂
you're the sweetest. 😭❤️ miss you!
Thanks Cubs! #cubswin #eiuhomecoming2016 @ Eastern Illinois University
I drop off chase then we immediately get on FaceTime..
After so many years of #TheWalkingDead I just don't think I can watch this show anymore.
@HBfromKC I'm so sorry. I'll behave.
OMG! I honestly don't even know my current emotional state right now... #TheWalkingDead
If you know you couldn't do anything tonight, why wouldn't you say that from the jump?? 🙄
Plot between positive and negative words in a time frame: