Google play protect may prompt warning like this or this when installing the app for the first time due to the app's usage of old sdk, you can just ignore it and click "More details" and "Install Anyway". Please check FAQ #1 for the related info/explanation and privacy related concern.**
Important Note for OneUI5.1.1 and higher:
You also need to "Allow restricted settings" to the app. Otherwise, some Galaxy MaxHz settings won't stick.
Open Settings > Apps > Galaxy MaxHz > Click top right menu and Allow restricted settings.
Menu will be hidden once done. If you haven't done it yet but the menu is not shown, go to Settings > Accessibility and turn on > Galaxy MaxHz. It should show a prompt that you have to allow restricted settings first. Then check again if the menu is already shown.
Installing on OneUI6.0 (Android14)+:
Starting OneUI6.0, installing/updating the app requires doing it via ADB using this command:
adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block [file path to the apk file]
Ensure file path matches the actual location and filename of the apk file.
Using a PC:
adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block "C:\Users\tribalfs\Downloads\galaxy_max_hz_v8.0.apk"
, with the apk file located at
C:\Users\tribalfs\Downloads\galaxy_max_hz_v8.0.apk. If you have no ADB setup yet, check steps 1-6 in this guide
Without using a PC:
adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block /sdcard/galaxy_max_hz_v8.0.apk
, with the apk located in the root of your device internal storage. You can install LADB and follow its setup guide. Move the downloaded gmh apk file to the root of your device internal storage and execute the above provided ADB command. Video walkthrough
After install and or after OS update, allow restricted settings if you haven't performed it previously (see above).
- Added per-app settings (with backup and restore)
- Separate min-max hz settings for PSM (only for devices with working high/adaptive refresh rate on PSM)
- Completely overhauled UI (OneUI inspired, dynamic theme and icon)
- System-independent language settings
- Easily add and remove quick settings shortcuts
- Ignore while charging options on some screen off mods
- Battery protect mod - option to set maximum charge from 85%-95%(for OneUI4+)
- Tasker variables changes and additions
- Auto update settings and channel selection. (Note: Channel settings will only apply once we reach stable build for v8.0.0)
- Other small changes
- Support for Z Fold4 and Z Flip4 (beta8+)
IMPORTANT: Clearing app data is required if coming from v7.*.