- To create Docker environment:
docker build -t text-env .
docker run -itd --gpus all --restart always -v $(pwd)/:/workspace --name text-env text-env:latest
docker exec -it text-env bash
- Using transformers framework (Huggingface) to finetune Intent Classification task that uses roberta-base as pretrained model
cd intent_classifier/
- For training, bring dataset to the format:
| |- train_intents.json
| |- valid_intents.json
| |- test_intents.json
- To train, run command:
python3 main.py --scenario train \
--num_epochs 2 \
--batch_size 8 \
--learning_rate 1e-5 \
bash run.sh
- To infer, run command:
python3 main.py --scenario infer \
--sentence "type your text here"
- To convert model to onnx type, run command:
pip install onnx==1.11.0 onnxruntime-gpu==1.11.1
python3 convert_onxx.py
- To test onnx model, run command:
python3 test_onnx.py
- Using Flair framework to finetune NER task that uses bert-base-uncased as pretrained model
cd entity_recognitor
- For training, bring dataset to the format:
| |- slots.txt
| |- train_slots.json
| |- valid_slots.json
| |- test_slots.json
- To convert data to flair format:
python3 main.py --scenario convert_data
- To train, run command:
python3 main.py --scenario train \
--num_epochs 2 \
--batch_size 8 \
--learning_rate 1e-4 \
--hidden_size 256
bash run.sh
- To infer, run command:
python3 main.py --scenario infer \
--sentence "type your text here"