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Kvík edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 3 revisions

You can add Gnuplot graphs directly as gp scripts. You can also use data from an external file. Its name is not important for DeGeŠ -- as long as your .gp script can refer to it -- but it should have a .dat extension so that DeGeŠ Makefile will copy it. Please also refrain from using exotic characters or spaces. DeGeŠ prepends some basic settings, so you only need to set the plotting area, but it can be overridden if needed.

Example file

set samples 10000
set xrange [1:100000]
set logscale x

set size ratio 0.6
set xlabel "ξ"
set ylabel "Δv / v_1"

plot sqrt(2 - 2/x) + sqrt(1/x) title "1. vertical launch" lw 2, \
    sqrt(2*x/(x+1)) + sqrt(1/x) - sqrt(2/(x*(x+1))) title "2. Hohmann transfer" lw 2, \
    sqrt(2) + sqrt(2/x) - sqrt(1/x) title "3. bielliptic transfer" lw 2
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