An extension for league/commonmark version 2 built using PHP 8.0. This replaces YouTube links with the embed iframe.
The extension supports for the primary YouTube URL, with and without prefixed with
the www
. It also supports the short shareable URL using the
Initially based on the YouTube extension.
The project should be installed via Composer:
composer require surface/commonmark-ext-youtube-iframe
Configure your CommonMark Environment
and add the extension.
use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\MarkdownConverter as Converter;
use Surface\CommonMark\Ext\YouTubeIframe\Extension as YouTubeExtension;
$options = [
'youtube_iframe' => [
'width' => 800,
'height' => 600,
$environment = new Environment($options);
$environment->addExtension(new YouTubeExtension());
$converter = new Converter($environment);
echo $converter->convert('[](');
echo $converter->convert('[](');
echo $converter->convert('[](');
echo $converter->convert('[](');
You can control the dimensions of the videos by using the width
configuration options.
You can also configure the dimensions using query parameters on the embed URL.
You can provide the height
or width
or both.
You can disable the parsing of full YouTube URLs (with or without the www) by
using the following option. If this option is disabled, only URLs under the
‘short’ domain will be used (
$options = [
'youtube_iframe' => [
'full_url' => false,
There are Unit and Integration tests for the project. These can be run using the following commands:
composer test
composer run test
composer run test-unit
composer run test-integration
There are also scripts to run code sniffer, mess detector and static analysis:
composer run sniff
composer run mess
composer run stan
Please refer to the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
This library is licensed under the MIT license. See the License File for more information.