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HanoiCollab_v2 - Real-time quiz collaboration solution for small teams

Client installation:

  • HanoiCollab requires Tampermonkey, an extension for your browser. You can download Tampermonkey for Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
  • After Tampermonkey has been downloaded, get HanoiCollab here.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the UI and create a HanoiCollab account.

Server setup:

While the public HanoiCollab server ( is mostly functional, you might want to setup your own server. Here are the steps required:

  • Step 1: Install the ASP.NET Core 6 Runtime.
  • Step 2: Setup a MongoDB server. It can either be locally hosted or cloud-based. Note down your connection string. For more details on getting a MongoDB connection string, refer to this guide if you're using MongoDB on the cloud (MongoDB Atlas), or this guide for local servers.
  • Step 3: Create your appsettings.json HanoiCollab_v2. The appsettings.json file is located in the HanoiCollab_v2 folder. A sample configuration file, appsettings.Sample.json, is also provided. You can make a copy of that file and rename it to appsettings.json, but remember to change:
    • The connectionString field. Replace it with the MongoDB connection string you obtained during step 2.
    • The JwtSecret field. Replace it with any secret text to secure your server.


If you have any problems setting up HanoiCollab's client and/or server, would like quick support from HanoiCollab's developers, or just want to hang out with fellow users, don't hesitate to join our Discord server.