Cloud foundry broker for YARN.
To use yarn-broker, you need to build it from sources configure, deploy, create instance and bind it to your app. Follow steps described below.
Run command for compile and package.:
mvn clean package
Broker automatically bind to an existing kerberos provide service. This will provide default kerberos configuration, for REALM and KDC host. Before deploy check:
- if kerberos service does not exists in your space, you can create it with command:
cf cups kerberos-service -p '{ "kdc": "kdc-host", "kpassword": "kerberos-password", "krealm": "kerberos-realm", "kuser": "kerberos-user" }'
- if kerberos-service exists in your space, you can update it with command:
cf uups kerberos-service -p '{ "kdc": "kdc-host", "kpassword": "kerberos-password", "krealm": "kerberos-realm", "kuser": "kerberos-user" }'
Push broker binary code to cloud foundry (use cf client).:
cf push yarn-broker -p target/yarn-broker-*.jar -m 512M -i 1 --no-start
For strict separation of config from code (twelve-factor principle), configuration must be placed in environment variables.
Broker configuration params list (environment properties):
- obligatory :
- USER_PASSWORD - password to interact with service broker
- optional :
- BASE_GUID - base id for catalog plan creation (uuid)
- HADOOP_PROVIDED_ZIP - list of yarn configuration parameters exposed by service (json format, default: {})
- CF_CATALOG_SERVICENAME - service name in cloud foundry catalog (default: yarn)
- CF_CATALOG_SERVICEID - service id in cloud foundry catalog (default: yarn)
- YARNBRK_SPACE: - (default: /yarnbrk_space)
YARN configuration must be set via HADOOP_PROVIDED_ZIP environment variable. Description of this process is this same as in HDFS broker case ( ).
Broker instance should be bind with zookeeper broker instance to get zookeeper configuration.
cf bs <app> <zookeeper-instance>
Use cf client :
cf start yarn-broker
Use cf client :
cf create-service-broker yarn-broker <user> <password> https://yarn-broker.<platform_domain>
cf enable-service-access yarn
cf cs yarn shared yarn-instance
Broker instance can be bind with cf client :
cf bs <app> yarn-instance
or by configuration in app's manifest.yml :
- yarn-instance
To check if broker instance is bound, use cf client :
cf env <app>
and look for :
"yarn": [
"credentials": {
"description": "This is the encoded zip file of hadoop-configuration",
"encoded_zip": "<base64 of configuration>"
"kerberos": {
"kdc": "",
"label": "yarn",
"name": "yarn-instance",
"plan": "shared",
"tags": []