In order to be able to successfully submit a pull request from your fork you need to sign with EasyCLA from Linux Foundation.
The video tutorial can be found here, assuming you have submitted a PR without prior signing, which would leave you stuck as in this screenshot.
Click on the link Please click here to be authorized
and follow the process.
You will have to login with your Linux Foundation ID (Account) or create a new one.
If you signed up with ToIP under your corporation then please select this option.
Don't worry, there won't be any changes to your membership payment status, meaning it will be still free of charge to use if you are a contributing member at ToIP.
The process is generally quite straight forward and if you know the DocuSign-procedure, then you can fast forward the video to minute 30:36
to see the relevant action to perform if you signed EasyCLA under a corporation.
After signing with Docusign, you will have to connect your GitHub account with EasyCLA (This link will get you into profile settings).
However, the system will not auto generate an accepted contributing user so you will have to create one through the dashboard by adding approval criteria (screenshot below).
After you have created an identification criterium (e.g. GitHub username or email address) for yourself your PR in GitHub will automatically be submitted.