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Corona Count

Please panic!

Checking major news sites for number of mentions of the phrase "Corona", "Covid-19" or "Sars-Cov-2".

See for yourself at (this is now a static copy of the service originally running and updating)


go build


Usage of ./coronocount:
  -d	Debug mode
  -i int
    	Scrape interval (default 30)
  -l string
    	Address and port to listen and serve on (default "localhost:8080")
  -s string
    	File to load URLs from (default "sites.txt")

Run as a systemd service

See coronacount.service systemd service definition.

To install (tested on Ubuntu 16.04):

  1. adduser coronacount
  2. copy coronacount binary as well as sites.txt and template.html to /home/coronacount
  3. place systemd service script in /lib/systemd/system/
  4. sudo systemctl enable coronacount.service
  5. sudo systemctl start coronacount
  6. sudo journalctl -f -u coronacount

The last command will show if the service was started.


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