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File metadata and controls

265 lines (204 loc) · 10.8 KB


Platform independent virtual matrix patchbay for MIDI ports with additional connectivity for virtual ports and file, serial (to test), network streams, rtpmidi (work in progress).

midipatcher is ment to be platform-independent and is aimed at desktop systems (Linux, macOS, Windows) - being developed on macOS and occasionally tested on a RaspberryPi.

Can be run interactively, using a custom MIDI control port, or remotely using a (insecure, although password protected) TCP connection - the command syntax is text-based and generally identical, the MIDI control port uses a carrier SysEx format and splits messages if necessary into several max 128 byte long messages (as recommended by the specs). Due to the text-based format, it's easy to connect to on the console.

Provides virtual passthrough-ports (RawExec, MsgExec) to arbitrary executables that can server as any type of processors or filters communicating passing data to and fro STDIN, STDOUT respectively.

Roadmap / Todos

  • Test, bugfix and complete current source base
    • Introduce consistent error/exception system
  • Add examples
    • Using Max/MSP and PureData matrices in combination with TCP control port
  • Integrate RTPMIDI
  • Test serial port - at the moment no test system.
  • Add TLS for TCPControl..
  • Add case insensitivity of portclasses (for creation descriptors) (?)
  • Control command to save/load current setup (?)

Guide to (Mostly) Harmless Command Line Interfacing

	 midipatcher [-vh?]
	 midipatcher (--pc|--port-classes)
	 midipatcher [-d[-d[-d]]] (-l|-p||--ports)
	 		List all (found) ports.
			Number of found ports on single line followed by a line for each port consisting of <port-id> <port-type> <devstate> <port-descriptor>

	 midipatcher [-d[d[d]]] [-a<autoscan-interval>] [-u] [<control-type>] [<patch-options>]

			(-i|--interactive) [--delimiter <delimiter>]
			(--tcpc|--tcp-control) [--tcp-pass <password>] [--delimiter <delimiter>]
			(--cp|--control-port) [--cp-in <control-in-port-descriptor>] [--cp-out <control-out-port-descriptor>]
			(-r|--remote) [--remote-in <remote-control-in-port-descriptor>] [--remote-out <remote-control-out-port-descriptor>] [--delimiter <delimiter>]

		  [-f|patch-file <patch-file>] [<in-port-descriptor1> <out-port-descriptor1> ... ]

	 -v 				 Show version.
	 -h|-? 				 Show this help.
	 -a|--autoscan <autoscan-interval>
					 Set regular rescanning of ports with given interval in millisec (default 1000; 0 = off).
	 -p|--ports 			 List known/detected ports (descriptors).
	 --pc|--port-classes 		 List registered port classes.
	 -d				Increase debug level by one.
	 -u				Show Updates.

	 -f|--patch-file <patch-file> 	 Use <patch-file> for patching configuration

					 Control from CLI


					    Connection test
					    Get midipatcher version
					 option <key> [<value>]
					    Get/set system/control option
					          return port-id instead of port-key
					          enable/disable notifications
					          enabled/disable autoscan
					          set autoscan interval
					    Manual request for a device scan (if autoscan turned off).
					    Get list of available port classes
					 ports [<port-id>|<port-key>]
					    Get basic port listing of given or all port(s); response contains in order: <port-id> <port-key> <type> <devstate> <port-desc>
					 devstate [<port-id>|<port-key>]
					    Get DeviceState of given or all port(s) (is device connected/enabled or not?)
					 portoption (<port-id>|<port-desc>) <key> [<value>]
					    Get set port option
					 register <port-descriptor>
					    Register new port using given descriptor
					 unregister (<port-id>|<port-key>)
					    Unregister port
					 constate [(<in-port-id>|<in-port-key>) [(<out-port-id>|<out-port-key>)]]
					      Get connection state between input- and output-port; either query specific connection, or list connections of specific/all input ports
					 connect (<in-port-id>|<in-port-key>) (<out-port-id>|<out-port-key>)
					    Connect two (registered) ports
					 disconnect (<in-port-id>|<in-port-key>) (<out-port-id>|<out-port-key>)
					    Disconnect two ports

	 --delimiter <delimiter>
	 				Use <delimiter> as (default) argument delimiter.

	 --tcpc|--tcp-control <port>
	 				Create a TCP port on which to listen for commands.
					NOTE: By default no password is required! (see --tcp-pass).
					Uses same commands as interactive control.
					Upon connection, clients will be greeted by the application with name and version.

	 --tcp-pass <password>
	 				Use given password to authenticate connections.
					When a password is required, clients are prompted to provide it before being able to send any commands.
					NOTE: (at the moment) the connection is insecure, ie not encrypted. Thus just a very basic level of security is given.

	 --cp-in|--control-in-port <control-in-port-descriptor>
	 --cp-out|--control-out-port <control-out-port-descriptor>
					 Use control port with default options: "--cp-in VirtMidiIn:MidiPatcher-Control --cp-out VirtMidiOut:MidiPatcher-Control".

	 --remote-in <remote-control-in-port-descriptor>
	 --remote-out <remote-control-out-port-descriptor>
					 Act as (interactive) remote control with default port options "--remote-in MidiOut:MidiPatcher-Control --remote-out MidiIn:MidiPatcher-Control".
					 Same commands as -i|--interactive

	 		(Process-internal) Unique ID of port.
	    1		Input
			2		Output
			3		Input/Output (Passthrough)
			0		Device not connected
			1		Device connected

	 <port-descriptor> := <port-key>[<options>]
	 <port-key> := <PortClass>:<PortName>
	 <options> := (,<opt> ...)

Port classes, their basic descriptors and options:

	 MidiIn:<PortName>, 	 Connects (or waits for) MIDI port with given name
	 VirtMidiIn:<PortName> 	 Create virtual MIDI port with given name
	 FileIn:(STDIN|<Filename>)		Opens said file/device/pipe for reading
	 		runningstatus=(0|1*)		  Use MIDI running status? (* = default)
	 FileOut:(STDOUT|STDERR|<Filename>)	Opens said file/device/pipe for writing
	 		runningstatus=(0*|1)			Use MIDI running status? (* = default)
	 UdpIn:[<listen-addr>:]<port>	Listen for UDP packets on given port (and interface)
			runningstatus=(0|1*)			Use MIDI running status? (* = default)
	 UdpOut:<remove-addr>:<port>	Send message as UDP packets to given addr:port
	 		runningstatus=(0*|1)			Use MIDI running status? (* = default)
	 StreamExec:(<exec>|<name>,exec=<exec>) Starts given exec and pass raw midi messages to STDIN and read again from STDOUT
	 MsgExec:(<exec>|<name>,exec=<exec>) Starts given exec and pass parsed text-based MIDI message to STDIN and read again from STDOUT
	 Serial:(<device>|<name>,device=<device>) Connect to serial.

The <port-key> part of the descriptors acts as unique port identifier.

Basic examples:

midipatcher MidiIn:BCF2000 "MidiOut:Yamaha 01V96 Port1"
midipatcher "MidiIn:from Max 1" VirtMidiOut:p1 MidiIn:p1 VirtMidiOut:p2 MidiIn:p2 "MidiOut:to Max 1"
midipatcher "MidiIn:from Max 1" VirtMidiOut:ComboPort "MidiIn:from Max 2" VirtMidiOut:ComboPort
midipatcher MidiIn:BCF2000 UdpOut: UdpIn:3001 MidiOut:BCF2000
midipatcher UdpIn:3000 "VirtMidiOut:From other computer" "VirtMidiIn:To other computer" UdpOut:

Control examples:
midipatcher -i
midipatcher --tcpc 9900 --tcp-pass secure & socat - TCP-CONNECT:localhost:9900
midipatcher --cp & midipatcher -r

More, fancy examples:
midimessage -g | midipatcher FileIn:STDIN RawExec:examples/RawExec/inc-channel RawExec:examples/RawExec/inc-channel FileOut:STDOUT | midimessage -p
midimessage -g | midipatcher FileIn:STDIN MsgExec:/bin/cat MsgExec:/bin/cat FileOut:STDOUT | midimessage -p
midimessage -g | midipatcher FileIn:STDIN MsgExec:my-inc,exec=examples/MsgExec/ MsgExec:my-inc FileOut:STDOUT | midimessage -p

Thanks to:

RtMidi: realtime MIDI i/o C++ classes,
Asio (Networking) C++ Library,
midimessage: midimessage library,

midipatcher-v0.1.0-73-g8b393cc, MIT license,


Parsing rules:

  • Anything behind a hashtag (#) is considered a comment and is ignored
  • Empty lines are allowed
  • Any mapping MUST have exactly two port descriptions separated by one or more tabs
  • If a port occurs multiple times you MUST provide the full port description including options in the first occurance; options are not requried in any following occurrances.


# This file contains comments
MidiIn:from Max 1							MidiOut:to Max 1 		# looping back from max 1 to max 1 :|
MidiIn:from Max 2					MidiOut:to Max 1		# almost the same as above

# Patchfiles are loaded after the control port is created, thus, you can consider it in your patchfile
ControlPort:Default					MidiOut:to Max 2


git clone --recursive
cd midipatcher
cmake .

Using as Library and Extending

The project uses cmake, thus simply do something as follows:



add_executable(myProject ...)
target_include_directories(myProject "${MIDIPATCHER_INCLUDES}")
target_link_libraries(myProject midipatch)

and use the convenience include header <midipatcher/midipatcher.hpp> in any source files.

For inspiration on how to use, have a look at application/main.cpp which shows different methods on how to populate the core PortRegistry and how to use InjectorPorts or the Logger, for that matter.

The InjectorPort also provides a rather convenient way of creating a passthrough (input-output)-port using a callback mechanism (see the remote control mechanism in main.cpp) without the need of creating any child-class.

To see how to use the text-based midimessage-syntax parser/generator see MsgExec.


MIT License (also see LICENSE file).

Thanks to (and licensing according to component):