Users with a Red Hat account in are able to use the Assisted Installer to install OCP clusters on their Bare Metals nodes.
The UI is available here:
The API is available here:
On, Assisted Service APIs calls are authenticated.
There are two kind of authentications: User and Agent. Some APIs accept both types. See configuration in API definition.
Agent authentication is used by the processes running on the nodes (Agent, Installer & Controller). The Agent APIs are not meant to be used by end users.
User Authentication is using JWT tokens. There are two ways to get the token:
sudo dnf copr enable ocm/tools
sudo dnf install ocm-cli
Obtain offline token from (This token does not expire)
Login to ocm:
ocm login --token (with token from
Generate JWT token :
JWT_TOKEN=$(ocm token)
JWT_TOKEN=$(curl -d client_id=cloud-services -d grant_type=refresh_token -d refresh_token=${OFFLINE_TOKEN} | jq -r '.access_token')
The JWT token is valid for 15 minutes and need to be provided in the header of the HTTP request.
Here an example to get all the user's clusters:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT_TOKEN}"
Agent authentication uses a token from the Pull Secret and needs to be provided in the header of the HTTP request.
Here an example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Secret-Key: <PULL_SECRET_TOKEN>"
API objects instances are defined with an unique identifier (UUID).
In the UI, the cluster UUID is available as part of the URL, for example:
The host UUID is available in the UI in the 'Host Details' section.