Extremely rudimentary library that can be used to quickly easily parse a Skyrim (or Skyrim Special Edition) ESP file (including ESM and ESL). Writing is implemented but do not expect to get back a file that the game will accept.
- Figure out a way to handle XXXX subrecords when writing the data back to disk.
- Write definition files for all record types and generate record and subrecord wrappers for them.
- Handle BSA files (using both ZLib and LZ4 compression).
- Write actual documentation.
UESP was used as a reference for the file formats.
The API is not currently set in stone and will most probably change a lot in the near future.
Noggog for his invaluable advice so far.
If anyone recognizes any code and I've not mentioned them in the credits, contact me (with some proof obviously) and I will either credit you or re-write said code.