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2. relationships of objects and components

tatsuhiko yamamura edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 1 revision

#What is this

This function shows relationship of each game objects.

How to USE

  1. chose menu > window > ReferenceExplorer > References

##show relasionship to each objects.

Red element(line) shows reference to objects.
Blue element(line) shows be referenced by objects.

reference to

referenced by


##Narrow the display items


###hide no reference object

hide unreference objects in this scene.

###ignore type of references

  • ignore self : does not show reference to self.
  • ignore familly : does not show reference to same hierarchy.
  • none : show all references.

###Filter by type, object and parameters

Filter by text

  • narrow type : [t:{type}]
  • narrow object : [o:{objectname}]
  • narrow parameter : [p:{parametername}]

e.g. type contain "done" reference to object "as" and parameter "game"

narrow text


reference by prefabs

  1. play game.
  2. oepn the hierarchys of target prefabs and chose it.
  3. set "ignore familly"
  4. you can find relationship of prefab from scene.


this feature is very slow. if you feel slow the game, you should close reference window.