This is a unofficial library for WebPay (
godoc :
go get
client := webpay.NewWebPayClient("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") ret, _ := client.Charge.Create( 400.0, "jpy", webpay.Card{ Number: "4242-4242-4242-4242", Exp_month: 11, Exp_year: 2015, Cvc: "123", Name: "John Doe", }, ) chargeId, _ := webpay.GetId(ret) fmt.Println(chargeId)
Webpay can charge not only by the Card but also Customer Id. The official library can use same function to both.
But golang does not permit it. In this library, you should use another function.
client := webpay.NewWebPayClient("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") ret, err := client.Charge.CreateByCustomer(400.0, "jpy", "cus_45d3MV5xxxxxxv")
Same as CustomerByToken.
client := webpay.NewWebPayClient("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") ret, err := client.Customer.CreateByToken("tok_34M4Vxxxxxxv")
Customer or other list can be acquired with count, offset or created arguments. These args can be empty.
In this library, arguments are map[string]int.
ret, err := client.Charge.All(map[string]int{ "count": 5, "gt": 1412751347, })
- Charge
- Create: done
- CreateByCustomer: done
- Retrieve: done
- Refund: notyet
- Capture: notyet
- all: done
- Customer
- Create: done
- Retrieve: done
- Update: notyet
- delete: done
- all: done
- delete_active_card: notyet
- Token
- Create: done
- Retrieve: done
- Recursion
- Create: done
- Retrieve: done
- Resume: notyet
- delete: notyet
- all: done
- Account
- Retrieve: done
- Delete: notyet
- Event
- Retrieve: done
- All: done
- Shop ?