by Tauseef Bashir
With the growth of market capitalization of cryptocurrencies (increased from $17 billion in 2017 to $2.25 trillion in 2021), cryptocurrencies remain incredibly volatile, with their value impacted by a multitude of factors: market trends, politics, technology…and Twitter. There have been instances where their prices were affected by tweets by famous personalities and the general public.
I plan to analyze trends over time, particularly the impact of social media on the price volatility of a crypto asset, such as Bitcoin (BTC).
Research Question: Twitter Sentiment Analysis for Predicting Digital Assets Price Movements
BTC tweets dataset:
BTC historical data:
Please see the attached notebooks for setailed graphs and conclusions.
Please find attached the following two notebooks for bitcoin twitter and financial analysis:
- BTC-Twitter-EDA.ipynb
- BTC-analysis-using-Prophet-Pycarat.ipynb
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