How to getting started with the navigation stack:
- got to /turtles_launch
- start roslaunch pses_ucbridge uc_bridge.launch
- start ./
- start roslaunch robot.launch
- start roslaunch move_base_teb.launch
- start rosrun turtles_goal_publisher turtles_goal_publisher
How to getting started with the gmapping:
- start roslaunch pses_ucbridge uc_bridge.launch
- start roslaunch robot.launch
- start rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=scan _odom_frame:=odom
How to getting started with the parking sequence:
- start roslaunch pses_ucbridge uc_bridge.launch
- start rosrun turtles_parking turtles_parking_node
How to getting started with the pd controller:
- start roslaunch pses_ucbridge uc_bridge.launch
- start rosrun turtles_pdcontrol turtles_pdcontrol
Short discription of the nodes:
turtles_base_controller: The turtles base controller node is taking the values from the teb local planner and outputs them to the car.
turtles_goal_publisher: This node is publishing goals(waypoints).
turtles_robot_tf: This node is used to publish transformations.
turtle_nav: This folder containes all parameter files.
turtles_laser_scan: This folder containes a launch file to create a laserscan.
turtles_pdcontrol: This node is a simple wall follow node based on a PD-controller.
turtles_parking: This package is used for the parking process. It implements the abbility for detecting a parking space and useing the space for an autonomous parking.
Not used nodes:
turtles_filter: We used this node to apply a filtering algorithm to the IMU data.
turtles_pdcontrol_cornerdetect: This node is a simple wall follow node based on a PD-controller. The curve is beeing detected and the controller is disabeld during the curve driving process.
turtles_hough: This node implements a huffman transformation. But the results were not satisfying enough for the parking detecting.
Changes of the given pses packages:
- pses_ucbridge: change the variable base_footprint to base_link