This ROS-package provides a simple simulation for the kinematic model, the ultra sonic range sensors and the kinect of the pses robot from the Real Time Systems lab at FG Echtzeitsysteme - Tu-Darmstadt. The driving simulation based on the Ackermann kinematic model (Cars) and does not account for torque, friction or any forces. Sensory information is simulated by scanning for obstacles on a given 2D grid map at the position of the virtual model of the car.
This project was build with ROS Kinetic but should work on older ROS versions as well. It has a build dependencies on OpenCv3 and can ony be used to simulate the pses robot, otherwise this simulation is useless to you.
Clone the repo into your ROS src folder:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
If not previously installed, install the map_server ros package:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinect-map-server
Build the package with catkin_make:
Please feel free to browse our wiki, where you can find instructions on how to use and configure this package.
If you're looking for a documentation of the code, please follow this link:
- Nicolas Acero
- Sebastian Ehmes