Make sure to install nodejs and redis. Clone the repo and issue the command 'npm i'.
owlbot is a chat bot built on the [Hubot][hubot] framework. It was initially generated by [generator-hubot][generator-hubot], and configured to be deployed on [Heroku][heroku] to get you up and running as quick as possible.
In order to run Owlbot, you will need to set the following environment variables:
Variable | Purpose |
MENTOR_ADMINS | Comma separated list of admins for mentor functions |
GOOGLE_DOCS_SPREADSHEET | doc ID for mentor response form |
GOOGLE_DOCS_PRIVATE_KEY | Private Key for Google API service account |
GOOGLE_DOCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT | Service account email |
You can start owlbot locally by running:
% HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=<YOUR-SLACK-TOKEN> ./bin/hubot --adapter slack
You'll see some start up output and a prompt:
[Sat Feb 28 2015 12:38:27 GMT+0000 (GMT)] INFO Using default redis on localhost:6379