CryptoTokens is a repository containing smart contracts written in both Algorand and Solidity. The repository aims to demonstrate various functionalities such as creating NFTs and fungible tokens, account creation, and transactions on the Algorand network, as well as implementing an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network using OpenZeppelin.
- Step 01: Basic setup for Algorand smart contracts.
- Create NFT and FT: Scripts for creating Non-Fungible Tokens and Fungible Tokens.
- Create Algorand Account: Python script to create a new Algorand account.
- Transaction and Opt-in: Script to handle transactions and opt-in to receive assets.
- ERC20 Token:
- This repository contains an implementation of an ERC-20 token using Solidity.
- The contract leverages the OpenZeppelin library, a widely acknowledged set of reusable smart contracts for Ethereum. OpenZeppelin provides security through community-reviewed code, ensuring that the foundational building blocks of our token are robust and secure.
- The ERC-20 token standard defines a set of standard functions to manage transactions and track account balances. This allows for interoperability across different applications and wallets.
- Python 3.x
- Algorand SDK
- Solidity Compiler
Navigate to the Algorand directory and run the Python scripts.
Compile and deploy the Solidity contract using a suitable environment like Remix or Truffle.
Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.