- Tui Alexandre Ono Baraniuk - tuialexandre
For this project 4 packages are used: add_markers, home_service_robot, pick_objects and teleop_twist_keyboard.
- The add_markers start a service that can add or remove markers in rviz;
- home_service_robot contains the world and robot models, and the launch files for mapping, localization and slam;
- pick_objects create a simple_action_client and also an add_markers_client. It has a routine that creates a - marker/object, then send the robot to pick it and lastly it delivers the object to another location;
- teleop_twist_keyboard is used to directly control the robot using the keyboard.
The rvizConfig contains the rviz configuration file used during the project.
To Export the rtab map (generated with slam) to the 2D .pgm and .yaml used for localization and navigation, the following commands can be used:
rosrun rtabmap_ros rtabmap _database_path:=<your_map_name>.db
rosrun map_server map_saver <exported_map_name>:=proj_map
rosservice call /publish_map 1 1 0
There are 4 scripts available:
- add_marker.sh -> launch a world and robot on gazebo, runs rviz, starts add_markers service, send calls to the service to simulate a object being created, picked and delivered
- test_navigation.sh -> -> launch a world and robot on gazebo, runs rviz, launch amcl, to localize and navigate the robot
- test_slam.sh -> launch a world and robot on gazebo, runs rviz, launch mapping node, start keyboard teleop node. This can be used to generate a <map_name>.db that can be used in localization and navigation
- home_service.sh -> launch a world and robot on gazebo, runs rviz, starts pick_objects.launch, which create the add_markers node and the pick_objects node. The pick objects node will first create an object/marker, then move the robot to its location, pick it, and finally deliver it in a new location.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details