Latte is a modern data engineering toolkit. Latte provides out of the box config-driven help to reduce the time and cost for many common data engineering tasks, including:
- Load: Load data into data sources for downstream analysis, such as kafka.
- Aggregate: Aggregate operational data at the source to produce business analytics.
- Transform: Transform data during processing.
- Transfer: Transfer data from one system into another maintaining the original state.
- Extract: Extract data from a variety of sources, including Mongo, Postgres and Prometheus.
Latte extracts and loads data from a variety of sources:
Latte aims to:
- Reduce cost of analytic data calculation, storage and query.
- Increase data warehouse data fidelity.
- Reduce data lake sprawl.
- Reduce data transfer into and costs of querying datalakes and datawarehouses.
- Enable product engineers to write self-service analytics built on their operational data stores.
Latte is configured using simple yaml configuration files:
- Start docker dependencies
docker-compose -f dev/compose.yaml up -d
- Validate Configuration
go run cmd/main.go config validate --config=$(PWD)/dev/examples/postgres.kafka.stdout.yaml
- Invoke collector
go run cmd/main.go config invoke --config=$(PWD)/dev/examples/postgres.kafka.stdout.yaml
- Verify Kafka Output
docker exec -it kafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --topic=latte --from-beginning | jq .
"uuid": "4fdbc492-7e76-4ae7-9e32-82da7463f374",
"name": "",
"value": 3,
"type": "COUNT",
"tags": {
"customer": "google"
"timestamp": "2023-12-24T14:12:01.237538Z",
"grain_datetime": "2023-12-24T00:00:00Z"
"uuid": "cdc14916-15a4-4579-aa06-2dc65f442aba",
"name": "",
"value": 2,
"type": "COUNT",
"tags": {
"customer": "amazon"
"timestamp": "2023-12-24T14:12:01.237543Z",
"grain_datetime": "2023-12-24T00:00:00Z"
- Start docker dependencies:
docker-compose -f dev/compose.with-collector.yaml up -d
- Validate config
docker-compose -f dev/compose.with-collector.yaml run latte config validate --config=/dev/config/postgres.kafka.stdout.yaml
Creating dev_latte_run ... done
- Invoke Collector
docker-compose -f dev/compose.with-collector.yaml run latte config invoke --config=/dev/config/postgres.kafka.stdout.yaml
Creating dev_latte_run ... done
- Verify Kafka Output
docker exec -it kafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --topic=latte --from-beginning
- Run Collector as daemon
docker-compose -f dev/compose.with-collector.yaml run latte run -c=/dev/config
Creating dev_latte_run ... done
{"level":"info","ts":1703726983.41746,"caller":"cmd/run.go:52","msg":"loading configs","path":"/dev/config"}
{"level":"info","ts":1703726983.4632287,"caller":"cmd/run.go:71","msg":"initialized collectors","num_collectors":5}
- Tail the audit log, Check Kafka, Verify Vector
tail -f dev/audit/latte.audit.log
Checkout the examples directory for configuration examples.
Additional documentation is available in the docs/ directory
Image by catalyststuff on Freepik