How can I tell how many characters are in a string? Do spaces count?
How can I capitalize the first character of a string? What happens if it is a number?
How can I turn a string backwards?
How can I tell if two words have the same number of characters?
How can I tell if a word has all capital letters?
How can I tell if a word has all lower case letters?
How can I tell if a word is a palindrome? (The word is the same forwards and backwards.)
How can I tell if a sentence is the same forwards and backwards? (ignoring spaces and punctuation)
How can I replace an occurrence of a single character in a string with another character?
How can I replace ALL occurrences of a single character in a string with another character?
How do I insert 5 asterisks at the start of a string? What about at the end of a string? What about x asterisks?
What if I wanted to have a string that's four characters long, but I want to make a big string thats 14 characters in length, with the original string in the middle, with asterisks on either side of the original string to make it reach the desired length?
What if I wanted to replace the padding character with spaces? And a variable total length?
What are two ways in which you can determine if an integer is odd? (Or even.)
How can I convert a string into a number?
How can you tell if a number is a palindrome? (303, 1221, 123321)
How can you tell if a number is divisible by 3? By 9? By x?