Java coded game based on breakout
The paddle or bat, is player controlled with the mouse (keyboard left and right arrows move paddle but to slowly to be functional yet). The player uses the paddle to bounce the ball up into the bricks above. The ball breaks each brick upon contact, giving the player +100 points. The player begins with 3 lives shown as the cigarette .gifs at the bottom left of the game planel. Each time the ball falls below the paddle a life is lost, one of the cigarette icons is removed, and the ball is reset to the starting position. Losing all three lives causes the words GAME OVER to be written to the screen.
There is only one level so far.
The game can be paused with in game menu or by pressing space.
A new game can be started either durring a current game, or at the "GAME OVER SCREEN" with the in-game menu or by pressing CTRL-S (S for start).
CTRL-Q will exit the game.
There is no "win condition" beyond destroying all the bricks on screen, and only one brick type, and one level.