Welcome to this implementation of the sparse SVM problem described in the original Hogwild ! paper using the numerous core of a computer. This was implemented during the spring of 2019 in the CS-449 Systems for Data Sciences at EPFL. This is the second milestone of a project including a synchronous and asynchronous distributed version of Hogwild implement in Spring 2018 and a Spark version implemented in the first milestone.
We suppose that you have Anaconda installed on your computer in order to create a conda environment and that you downloaded the datasets on your machine
conda create -n hogwild-multicore python=3.7 numpy scipy
source activate hogwild-multicore
You may need to adapt the paths in settings.py
to suit your architecture then from the src
folder :
python hogwild.py
You can look at the help using python hogwild.py -h
Use a lock version of Lock-free Hogwild to avoid concurrent update-n
To select the number of iterations of SGD default : 400-p
To select the number of process to run onto default : os.cpu_count