Overview of project tasks that need to be completed to finish the project
Final text (who? E Silverman to incorporate comments by K Fleming, R. Raftovich, S. Chandler, and C. Deets after review by P Padding)
Page design (CHRIS, Brima, Becky)
Render in HTML (BRIMA)
a. Map of US, state click with Diary stats, color by highest birds/hunter or ? [NATE ... data are uploaded to github]
b. Barchart with harvest by week …. Ability to toggle species … any other dynamics? [EMILY: will UPDATE to include state selection, pass to Nate for conversion to D3]
c. Harvest percentiles by state and then zoom/click for county [EMILY will pass formatted data to THEO]
d. Map of US states with click to show species composition of harvest? Label states by top species? [NATE Same graphic as (a) with different data]
e. Age ratio graphic … by year?? [TBD: Static graph comparing two species]
f. Harvest percentiles graphic again by species and date range? [TBD More complicated version of (c)?]
Photos and videos
a. Female gadwall and female redhead (PAUL is obtaining photos and permissions)
b. Short video of mallard sex ID from wings [NATE/CHRIS get good version to KATE; CHRIS set up mtg at Ptux with Kate for filiming. Demo completed ... Pam work with Kate to plan production version]
c. 2 additional videos of brown duck comparison - dabblers and divers [PAUL draft scripts script ... work directly with Kate to film]