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A Symfony and Okoa Project


This project runs via docker, specifically using docker-compose. To run the project make sure you have the docker client and docker-compose installed and then simply run docker-compose up to start it.

To install vagrant, docker, docker-compose and virtualbox on OSX you can use:

brew cask install vagrant virtualbox docker docker-compose


If you're a linux user, or you are comfortable working with docker for windows or docker for mac you can simply run:

docker-compose up -d

If you have a configuration for which it is not possible to run docker (or for which docker is too slow to run this project), you can choose to run this project using vagrant. This will start up a linux machine that allows you to run docker-compose as best as possible for this project. To use docker-compose on your host machine you must export the DOCKER_HOST environment variable: export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// Note that the vagrant configuration is not intended for production settings. To run using vagrant simply run these commands:

vagrant up
docker-compose up -d

Whether you're using just docker-compose or you're using docker-compose within the vagrant machine, this will set up services and forward ports to localhost:

  • PostgreSQL: configured to allow access by any user defined (by default the tg username is available). The PostgreSQL instance is available on port 5432.
  • MailHog: http://localhost:1080/ (SMTP is listening on mailhog:1025 for the app container)
  • Production website: http://localhost:80/ (running using nginx and php-fpm) Note when running on vagrant this address is http://localhost:8880 instead.
  • Development website: http://localhost:8080/ (running using nginx and php-fpm)
  • Selenium grid: http://localhost:4444/
  • Chrome debug: vnc://localhost:15900/ (password secret)
  • Firefox debug: vnc://localhost:15901/ (password secret)

To run commands inside of the app container you can use docker-compose run app to start a shell.

Asset compilation

By default the project will start a gulp watch instance, this will watch for asset changes automatically. Note that on the first run of the project complition may fail because of missing dependencies. To fix this first run bin/setup in the app container (docker-compose run app). The gulp watch command also starts a livereload server which can be used to automatically reload the page on asset changes.

The command gulp build can be used to create production versions of the assets which are minified and gzipped.

To clean previous versions of assets you may run gulp clean, this will ensure that any old assets are removed before generating new ones. A full list of available tasks can be shown with gulp -T.


When the virtual machine is first started the project is not yet setup properly. To setup the machine, simply run bin/setup inside the app container. If the project was not previously configured an installation wizzard should start automatically.

A local version for first setup of the project may either be obtained by cloning (or downloading) this repository and removing the git history, or by running composer create-project tweedegolf/symfony-okoa [target-dir].

After running bin/setup you may want to run docker-compose restart to restart any processes which may have depended on the installed dependencies.


Once a project was updated the bin/update command may help for an easy update of the project to the latest state.

Similarly to bin/setup, you may want to restart using docker-compose restart to restart any processes which may depend on updated libraries.