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Twitter Network Layer Change Log


Document version: 2.17.0

Last updated: 08/06/2020

Author: Nolan O'Brien



  • Drop support for iOS 8 & 9


  • Replace TNLRequest class methods with C functions
    • Swift does not like having an @interface have the same name as an @protocol
    • It can work, but gets very messy
    • Best to avoid it and replace the convenient class method interfaces in Objective-C with C functions
    • Though this is a minor version bump, it is API breaking
      • There isn't a way to deprecated the old APIs and introduce new ones, we just have to remove the old ones to fix usages in Swift
      • Apologies for the inconvenience!
  • Also, update TNLHTTP.h to be much more Swift friendly


  • Adopt direct support for Objective-C code and eliminate PRIVATE_SELF C function pattern
    • Preserves Objective-C calling syntax for better code legibility (less C-style calls interleaving ObjC)
    • Safer than PRIVATE_SELF C functions (don't need to check self != nil)
    • Avoids awkward self->_ivar access in the direct methods (can stick with just using _ivar)
    • Same low binary overhead as private C functions


  • Make TNLError.h much more Swift compatible


  • Update TNLCommunicationAgent to handle reachability behavior changes
    • The Network.framwork can yield an "other" interface when VPN is enabled (on Mac binaries)
      • Coerce these into WiFi since we don't have a good way to determine the actual interface used at the moment
    • The Network.framework used to yield WiFi for any network connection on a simulator, but now yields Wired
      • Rename TNLNetworkReachabilityReachableViaWiFi to TNLNetworkReachabilityReachableViaEthernet and handle both cases as Ethernet


  • Refactor Service Unavailable Backoff system to be more abstract and support any trigger for backoff
    • All *serviceUnavailableBackoff* APIs are refactored into *backoff* APIs
    • Introduce [TNLGlobalConfiguration backoffSignaler]
      • Implement your own TNLBackoffSignaler to customize behavior ... or ...
      • Default will use TNLSimpleBackoffSignaler which will signal on HTTP 503


  • Abstract out Service Unavailable Backoff Behavior for customization to be applied
    • See [TNLGlobalConfiguration serviceUnavailableBackoffBehaviorProvider] for providing a custom backoff behavior
      • Implement your own TNLServiceUnavailableBackoffBehaviorProvider to customize behavior
      • Due to Service Unavailable signaling being opaque, only the HTTP Headers and the URL can be provided
    • Default will use TNLSimpleServiceUnavailableBackoffBehaviorProvider
      • Exact same behavior as before (introduced in TNL prior to v2.0 open sourcing)


  • Change the TNLURLSessionAuthChallengeCompletionBlock arguments
    • Leave the disposition parameter
    • Change the credentials parameter of NSURLCredentials to be credentialsOrCancelContext of id
      • This will permit TNLAuthenticationChallengeHandler instance to be able to cancel the challenge and provide extra context in the resulting error code
      • Twitter will use this to cancel 401 login auth challenges when we don't want a redundant request to be made (since it just yields the same response)
        • This is to facilitate working around the behavior in NSURLSession where an HTTP 401 response with WWW-Authenticate header will always be transparently be retried (even when unmodified yielding the identical 401 response).
        • An additionaly problem is that canceling the 401 response will discard the response's body. If there is information needed in the response body, it will be lost.
        • Twitter has updated its WWW-Authenticate header responses to include additional metadata since the response body cannot be used.
        • Apple Feedback: FB7697492


  • Add retriable dependencies to TNLRequestOperation
    • Whenever a TNLRetryPolicyProvider would yield a retry, that retry will be delayed by the longer of 2 things:
      1. The delay provided by the retry policy provider (minimum of 100 milliseconds)
      2. Waiting for all dependencies on the TNLRequestOperation to complete
      • Normally, all dependencies of a retrying TNLRequestOperation will be complete before it has started but it is now possible to add dependencies after the request operation has already started to increase the dependencies on a retry starting.


  • Introduce tnlcli, a command-line-interface for TNL
    • Like cURL but with TNL features
    • Verbose mode provides all TNL logging to stdout / stderr along with lots of other details


  • Add expensive and constrained conditions to the reachability flags on iOS 13+
    • TNLNetworkReachabilityMaskPathConditionExpensive for when path is expensive
    • TNLNetworkReachabilityMaskPathConditionConstrained for when path is constrained


  • Disable connectivityOptions on TNLRequestConfiguration for iOS 13.0 (ok on iOS 13.1+)
    • connectivityOptions are backed by NSURLSessionConfiguration waitsForConnectivity
    • waitsForConnectivity regressed in iOS 13 betas and is unuseable as a feature on iOS 13.0.
    • iOS 13.1 beta 1 addressed this issue.


  • Expose shouldUseExtendedBackgroundIdleMode in TNLRequestConfiguration
    • There's a lot of nuance to this configuration property, so take care when using it


  • Change it so that iOS 12 and above use Network.framework for reachability instead of SystemConfiguration.framework
    • Reachability in SystemConfiguration.framework has been broken in simulator since iOS 11
    • Reachability in SystemConfiguration.framework will no longer work at all starting in iOS 13
    • Reachability using nw_path_monitor_t is the new canonical way to observe reachability changes, so we'll use that
  • Change network reachability flags in TNLCommunicationAgent from SCNetworkReachabilityFlags to TNLNetworkReachabilityFlags
    • On iOS 11 and below, the flags are exactly the same as SCNetworkReachabilityFlags
    • On iOS 12 and above, the flags now map to the new TNLNetworkReachabilityMask flags


  • Change TNLRequestConfiguration to accept a TNLResponseHashComputeAlgorithm to specify how to hash
    • MD5 was marked deprecated in iOS 13, so providing a wider range of algorithms without eliminating MD5 support is needed


  • Fix terrible bug where cancelling all request operations for any TNLRequestOperationQueue will cancel all request operations for all queues!


  • Move away from mach time for metrics to NSDate instances
    • This better mirrors what Apple does
    • Avoids the pitfall of using mach times as more than just measurements of durations and using them as reference timestamps (which is frought)
    • Using NSDate now does have the problem of clock changes impacting timings, but this is so infrequent it practically won't ever affect metrics from TNL
  • Add sessionId to TNLAttemptMetaData
    • Helps keep track of what NSURLSession was used
  • Add taskResumePriority to TNLAttemptMetaData
    • Helps keep track of what QOS was used when resume was called for the underlying NSURLSessionTask
  • Add taskResumeLatency to TNLAttemptMetaData
    • Helps diagnose if there is some unforseen stall between calling resume for the task and the fetching actuallying starting
  • Add taskMetricsAfterCompletionLatency and taskWithoutMetricsCompletionLatency to TNLAttemptMetaData
    • Helps track when radar #27098270 occurs


  • Add [TNLGlobalConfiguration URLSessionPruneOptions]
    • These options offer ways for TNL to prune inactive internal NSURLSession instances more aggressively than the 12 session limit does
    • Options can be a combination of: on memory warning, on app background and/or after every network task
    • Callers can also provide a special option to prune now
  • Add [TNLGlobalConfiguration URLSessionInactivityThreshold]
    • Works with URLSessionPruneOptions by limiting what NSURLSession intances are inactive by requiring a duration to elapse since the last network task ran
  • Add [TNLGlobalConfiguration pruneURLSessionMatchingRequestConfiguration:operationQueueId:]
    • Offers a way to explicitely purge a specific underlying NSURLSession based on a given TNLRequestConfiguration and a TNLRequestOperationQueue instance's identifier


Author: Laurentiu Dascalu

  • Expose method on TNLLogger to redact desired header fields from being logged
  • Good for redacting things you don't want to log like Authorization header field


  • Add captive portal detection to TNLCommunicationAgent
    • detects when a known HTTP (non-HTTPS) endpoint is intercepted via a captive portal
    • this mechanism is a solid tradeoff in coverage vs complexity
      • there are many ways captive portals can manifest beyond what TNL detects
      • a 100% coverage is extremely complicated and 100% accuracy is not feasible
      • supporting the simplest mechanism for detection is sufficient for most detection use cases


  • Add background upload support using HTTPBody
    • TNL will encapsulate the busy-work if there is an upload desire via an HTTPBody instead of an HTTPFilePath
  • Other miscellaneous minor fixes


  • drop iOS 7 support
    • removes some compatibility check APIs that are no longer necessary too


  • revise TNLRetryPolicyProvider interface to optionally provide a new TNLRequestConfiguration when retrying
    • prior interface only permitted updating the idleTimeout which was not sufficient for more use cases
    • example use case: provide a custom content encoder that fails to encode a request, the retry policy and update the configuration to remove the custom content encoder to try again without encoding


  • add demuxing support for URLCache, URLCredentialStorage, and cookieStorage on TNLRequestConfiguration
    • reduces the number of NSURLSession instances that need to be spun up


  • add waitsForConnectivity support via connectivityOptions for TNLRequestConfiguration


  • Open source TNL!!!


  • Make TNL protocols adopt tnl_ method prefixes


  • Add support to have TNLRequestOperation instances' underlying network operations have dependencies set as the network operation(s) enqueue.
  • See requestOperation:readyToEnqueueUnderlyingNetworkingOperation:
  • Clean up retry policy provider code and event callbacks for disambiguity, and reduced coupling.


  • Improve auth challenge support
  • Create TNLAuthenticationChallengeHandler
  • Add registration/unregistration on global config for auth challenge handler(s)
  • Remove TNLTLSTrustEvaluator protocol and property from global config
  • Remove auth challenge callback to TNLRequestAuthorizer (part of TNLRequestDelegate)
  • Auth challenges are a shared concept and not associated with any given request specifically
  • Handling challenges on a per request basis made for complex code and cascading handling that was unnecessary
  • A concrete implementation of a TNLAuthenticationChallengeHandler can behave just like a TLS trust evaluator or any number of auth challenge behaviors now.


  • Elevate NSNumber to be a first class object within TNLParameterCollection
  • Default will encode as a number always.
  • URL encoder option to encode Boolean NSNumber objects as true or false instead of 1 and 0
  • Persists the NSNumber when creating an encodable dictionary from a TNLParameterCollection instead of converting to a string
  • This helps with JSON serialization which will want the NSNumber serialized as a number or boolean, instead of a string
  • Twitter Network Layer has been stable without revision for 12 months!
  • 15 months if you exclude the removal of CocoaSPDY which was just removing a plugin feature.


  • Remove CocoaSPDY support


  • Add auth hydration step to TNLRequestAuthorizer
  • this helps decouple things so consumers can hydrate the request in one step and authorize in another
  • since TNL has host sanitization, it is often necessary to authorize a request with whatever the sanitized host is. This decoupling enables that flow very simply.


  • Add TNLCommunicationAgent for communication trait support in TNL
  • monitors reachability, carrier info and WWAN radio access tech


  • Add support for custom encoders and decoders for additional Content-Encoding types
  • Useful for supporting compressed uploads
  • Useful for using different compression codecs on responses that could have higher compression ratios than gzip


  • Add [TNLGlobalConfiguration operationAutomaticDependencyPriorityThreshold] to support having higher priority requests preventing lower priority requests from running
  • The value of this feature is to gate all other network interference when a critical request that much be executed as fast as possible is being run
  • This feature takes advantage of the NSOperation dependency support


  • Revise TNLPseudoURLProtocol to take a TNLPseudoURLResponseConfig
  • Offers easier control over the canned responses behavior
  • Does change the pattern from the request owning the behavior via headers to the response owning behavior when registered (with a config)
  • this is an improvement since it moves the ownership so that the user of TNLPseudoURLProtocol doesn't need to control the request being sent


  • Add NSURLSessionTaskMetrics support for iOS 10 and macOS 10.12
  • Just tacked onto TNLAttemptMetrics for now


  • Remove long standing workaround in TNL to get the NSURLResponse of an NSURLSessionTask via KVO instead of the delegate callback due to significant problems on iOS 8 & Mac OS X 10.10


Author: Zhen Ma

  • Do not call didCompleteAttempt with TNLAttemptCompleteDispositionCompleting when the state is TNLRequestOperationStateWaitingToRetry.


Author: Feng Yun

  • Allow multiple global header providers to apply to all requests.


  • Expose TNLTiming.h for timing helper functions
  • Fix bug failing to detect Auth Challenge Cancellations
  • Add support for global configurable TNLTLSTrustEvaluator
  • This is placeholder while CocoaSPDY continutes to use a trust evaluator instead of NSURLAuthenticationChallenge pattern


  • Have [TNLGlobalConfiguration requestOperationCallbackTimeout] be used to enabled/disable callback clog detection too. Set it to 0.0 or negative to disable the detection
  • Added a bug fix around clog detection when app becomes inactive too


  • Remove Twitter specific logging framework dependency and expose hooks to provide any desired logger. CocoaSPDY support has its own logger and doesn't share the TwitterNetworkLayer logger.


  • Split callback clogging timeout from idle timeout
  • TNLRequestOperation instances can clog with the callback timeout, configured on TNLGlobalConfiguration
  • Callback timeout will pause while an iOS app is in the background


  • remove requiresStrongReference from TNLRequestDelegate
  • The responsibility of the delegate's lifecycle belongs to the owner of the delegate, not to the delegate itself
  • Simplest way to adapt is to make the delegate be the context of the operation


  • Add TNLAttemptCompleteDisposition to our attempt completion callbacks in TNL. This will aid in identifying if the attempt will yield additional work (Retry or Redirect) or not (Complete)


  • iOS 9 has disabled support for subclassing empty NSURLCache (they now check the size ivars withouth accessing the property methods). As such, we need to update our "cache hit detection" code so that it doesn't use a custom NSURLCache subclass.
  • This means our observing of responses is now more fragile in detecting cache hits.
  • NSCachedURLResponse(TNLCacheAddtions) and NSURLResponse(TNLCacheAddtions) are now exposed so that if cache hit detection is desired w/ an NSURLCache that is shared between TNL and some other networking code it can be achieved, though admittedly with burden.
  • If networking is isolated to TNL, there won't be an issue.


  • Increase NSURLSession reuse by improving the session identifier used for non-background URL sessions.


  • Split out NSURLSession work from TNLRequestOperationQueue into a TNLURLSessionManager object. This will prepare room for betture NSURLSession reuse and modularity in TNL.


  • Rename TNLConnectionOperation to TNLURLSessionTaskOperation. This improves naming cohesion for the operation and leaves room for us to add a TNLURLConnectionOperation which would wrap NSURLConnection if we choose to add that support.


  • Persist NSURLSession instances to maximize reuse


Author: John Zhang

  • Added optional idleTimeoutOfRetryForRequestOperation:withResponse: to TNLRequestRetryPolicyProvider protocol
  • Handled the return value of idleTimeoutOfRetryForRequestOperation:withResponse: in TNLRequestOperation


  • Make TNLParameterCollection throw exception on zero length keys
  • Treat zero length keys in TNLDecodeDictionary and TNLEncodeDictionary as invalid and discard the key-value-pair when encountered


  • Make CocoaSPDY optional


  • Add default TNLURLEncodableObject support to NSNumber


  • Add valueForResponseHeaderField: to TNLResponseInfo


  • Collapse TNLHTTPAttempMetaData and TNLSPDYAttemptMetaData into their superclass TNLAttemptMetaData.


  • Default TNLRequestConfiguration to have nil for URLCache, URLCredentialStore and cookieStore
  • Add TNLRequestConfiguration constructor for different request anatomies (request vs response sizes)


  • Change requestOperation:didCompleteAttemptWithInfo:metrics:error: to requestOperation:didCompleteAttemptWithIntermediateResponse:disposition:
  • This alleviates bugs with dealing with responseClass hydration when observing an attempt


  • Remove TNLResponseHydrater
  • Add Class argument to TNLRequestOperation constructors so that we can provide the responseClass


  • Refactor TNLResponseHydrater to provide a Class that is ingested by the TNLRequestOperation at init time.
  • This alleviates a complex surface area that was exposed where the TNLRequestOperation is in the BuildingResponse state.
  • Results in BuildingResponse value being removed from TNLRequestOperationState.


Author: John Zhang

  • Updated TNLHTTPHeaderProvider to pass in a id parameter for context


  • Add nullable/nonnull keywords for Swift interop and compiler optimizations


  • Permit HTTP Status Codes 202, 203, 207, 208, and 226 to be retriable with a retry policy provider


  • Add TNLURLEncodableDictionary to TNLURLCoding
  • Add encodableDictionaryValueWithOptions: to TNLParameterCollection


  • Make default behavior for TNLURLEncodeDictionary to throw an exception when an unsupported value is encountered


  • TNLParameterCollection will now remove the value when nil is set as the value


Author: Kevin Goodier

  • Added additional CocoaSPDY fields to TNLSPDYAttemptMetadata for stream timings
  • Removed support externally for metadata dictionary


  • Added TNLHTTPHeaderProvider support


  • Provide operation to delegate callbacks that retrieve the background and completion queues


Author: John Zhang

  • Added operationId to TNLRequestOperation
  • Added attemptId and startTime to TNLAttemptMetrics
  • Changed request:didStartAttemptRequest:withType to requestOperation:request:didStartAttemptRequest:metrics in TNLNetworkObserver
  • Changed request:didCompleteAttemptWithInfo:metrics:error to requestOperation:didCompleteAttemptWithInfo:metrics:error in TNLNetworkObserver


  • Update docs
  • Change TNLNetwork functions to be class methods on a TNLNetwork static class
  • Rename TNLNetworkGlobalExecutingNetworkConnections* definitions to be TNLNetworkExecutingNetworkConnections*


  • Rename TNLHTTPRequest protocol to TNLRequest
  • This will help disambiguate from the TNLHTTPRequest object
  • Make URL a required method on TNLRequest
  • Change NSObject pattern to id
  • Add more documentation around TNLRequests and hydration


  • Ensure that the completion callback on the TNLRequestDelegate or the completion block is called before the TNLRequestOperation finishes
  • This will permit waitUntilFinished and waitUntilFinishedWithoutBlockingRunLoop to return after the callback has completed


  • Increase compatibility with a more diverse set of requests.
  • Permit any request HTTPMethod to be an upload, provided it has a body.
  • Permit any request HTTPMethod to be a download, provided the response data consumption mode is TNLResponseDataConsumptionModeSaveToDisk
  • There are exceptions that can result in errors based on NSURL framework's restrictions


  • Add [TNLAttemptMetrics URLResponse] and [TNLAttemptMetrics operationError]
  • This provides a nice trail of breadcrumbs for inspecting the details of how an operation executed


  • Add support for configuring cookies in TNLRequestConfiguration
  • Cookies were off by default, now they follow NSURLSessionConfiguration defaults


  • Add TNLRedirectPolicyUseCallback to redirect policies
  • This exposes additional control to the TNLRequestRedirecter protocol (on the TNLRequestDelegate) while keeping the simpler configs available


  • Redefine TNLNetworkObserver for much greater utility
  • Have the TNLGlobalConfiguration support multiple network observers instead of just one


  • Add TNLAttemptMetrics class and TNLAttemptMetaData classes for concrete access to metrics and meta-data


  • Remove state property of TNLRequestOperationQueue. It is unused and the backing logic is expensive. If this functionality is needed in the future we can add it in a more efficient way.


  • Add support for making in app request operations be background tasks with TNLRequestExecutionModeInAppBackgroundTask. See [TNLRequestConfiguration executionMode].


  • Add redirect tracking in TNLResponseMetrics


  • Rework TNLResponseMetrics to support [TNLResponseMetrics attemptMetrics] built of TNLResponseAttemptMetrics


  • Add an optional method to TNLRequestDelegate to provide the completionQueue which will default to dispatch_get_main_queue(). This will maintain the optimization of defaulting delegate callbacks to a backgroung queue while adding the safety of completing the execution on the main queue to avoid potential gotchas on completion.


  • Change [TNLResponse error] to [TNLResponse operationError]


  • Add TNLResponseHydrater protocol for optional response hydration


  • Greatly improve robustness of TNLParameterCollection
  • Add encoding configurability with TNLURLEncodingOptions
  • Add decoding configurability with TNLURLDecodingOptions
  • Add dynamic support for encoding objects with the TNLURLEncodableObject protocol.
  • Add TNLURLEncodeDictionary function
  • Deprecate TNLURLGenerateParameterString function
  • Add TNLURLDecodeDictionary function
  • Deprecate TNLURLGenerateParameterDictionary function


  • Add [TNLRequestEventHandler requestOperation:didReceiveURLResponse:] delegate callback


  • Add proxy objects for [NSURLCache tnl_shareURLCache] and [NSURLCredentialStorage tnl_shareCredentialStorage]
  • Make proxy objects defaults of TNLRequestConfiguration


  • Add convenience "Retry-After" header support to TNLResponseInfo


  • Change default TNLRequestRedirectPolicy to be TNLRequestRedirectPolicyDoRedirect


  • Completely encapsulate CocoaSPDY
  • TNLGlobalConfiguration(CocoaSPDYAdditions)
  • [TNLRequestConfiguration protocolOptions]
  • TNLCocoaSPDYConfiguration
  • [TNLResponseMetrics cocoaSPDYMetaData]
  • TNLCocoaSPDY.h


  • Remove NSCopying requirement from TNLHTTPRequest protocol
  • Add NSCopying support to TNLParameterCollection


  • Rework delegate pattern for TNLRequestOperation. #simplify


  • Add support for URL host sanitization


  • Prevent [TNLRequestOperationQueue defaultOperationQueue] from being suspended

1.0.0 (11/17/2014)

  • Initial release

beta (06/09/2014)

  • Inaugural beta