A module that integrates your controller with Payment Express.
- SilverStripe ^4
- php-curl
- php-simplexml
Using composer
composer require twohill/silverstripe-pxpay
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License. See License
Configure your PxPayment details in a config yml file. You can specify different settings for dev
or live
A useful option for doing this is to use your sandbox credentials when in dev
environment: 'live'
PxPayURL: https://sec.paymentexpress.com/pxaccess/pxpay.aspx
PxPayUserId: MyUserID
PxPayKey: xxxxxx
environment: 'dev'
PxPayURL: https://sec.paymentexpress.com/pxaccess/pxpay.aspx
PxPayUserId: MyUserID_dev
PxPayKey: xxxxxx
Return the PxPaymentController
as the result of a payment method
class MyPageController extends PageController
private static $allowed_actions = [
public function thankyou(HTTPRequest $request)
$content = '';
if ($request->getSession()->get('OrderID')) {
$order = Order::get()->byID($request->getSession()->get('OrderID'));
if ($order) {
$payment = $order->Payment();
if ($payment && $payment->TxnId) {
if ($payment->Processed) {
$sendEmail = false;
} else {
$payment->Processed = true;
} else {
$content = $this->ThankYouForPayingContent; // From MyPage $db
return $this->customise(new ArrayData([
'Content' => DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $content),
'Form' => ''
return $this->redirect($this->Link());
* Process the payment
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return PxPaymentController
* @throws ValidationException
public function pay_order(HTTPRequest $request)
// Load the payment details somehow
$payment = null;
if ($request->getSession()->get('OrderID')) {
$order = Order::get()->byID($request->getSession()->get('OrderID'));
if ($order) {
$payment = new PxPayment();
$payment->TxnType = "Purchase";
$payment->MerchantReference = $order->InvoiceNumber;
$payment->TxnData1 = $order->CompanyName;
$payment->TxnData2 = $order->Address;
$payment->TxnData3 = $order->City;
$payment->EmailAddress = $order->Contact()->Email;
$payment->AmountInput = $order->Total;
$payment->CurrencyInput = "NZD";
$payment->InvoiceID = $order->ID;
return new PxPaymentController($this, $request, $payment, $this->Link("thankyou"), $this->Link("unsuccessful"));
* Action when payment is unsuccessful.
public function unsuccessful(HTTPRequest $request)
if ($request->getSession()->get('OrderID')) {
$order = Order::get()->byID($request->getSession()->get('OrderID'));
if ($order) {
return $this->customise([
'Content' => DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $this->UnsuccessfulContent),
'Form' => ''
return $this->redirect($this->Link());
- Al Twohill al@twohill.nz
Bugs are tracked in the issues section of this repository. Before submitting an issue please read over existing issues to ensure yours is unique.
If the issue does look like a new bug:
- Create a new issue
- Describe the steps required to reproduce your issue, and the expected outcome. Unit tests, screenshots and screencasts can help here.
- Describe your environment as detailed as possible: SilverStripe version, Browser, PHP version, Operating System, any installed SilverStripe modules.
Please report security issues to the module maintainers directly. Please don't file security issues in the bugtracker.
If you would like to make contributions to the module please ensure you raise a pull request and discuss with the module maintainers.