HyperBench is a framework for benchmarking and comparing solvers for the Job Shop Problem.
It was specifically designed to allow for widespread parameter testing and comparison of traditional exact solvers against meta/hyper-herustics.
The hyperbench framework includes automated grid job batching, time forecasting, some bundled solvers and examples for importing your own algorithm.
Credit to the original authors for the implementation of their respective solvers or algorithms. I do not claim ownership of any external solvers or algorithms included. All rights are retained by their respective creators, and any use or distribution should acknowledge them accordingly.
A simulation environment is also included which can be connected to the rendering mechanisms, or new algorithms can be built on the pre-existing environments.
sudo apt-get install gifsicle on linux or https://eternallybored.org/misc/gifsicle/ on windows
To pull and run after cloning.
git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master && bash batch.sh
To monitor slurm jobs
squeue -u $USER -o "%.15i %.10P %.16j %.7C %.7m %.12M %.12L %.10T %R"
To monitor slurm ids (Current Tasks)
cat genetic-stderr-* | grep Slurm | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,4}'
as above but sorted to get highest max
cat genetic-stderr-* | grep Slurm | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,4}' | sort -n | tail -n 1
Tested and developed with Pycharm on debian/kali.
I suggest using an env file plugin to connect your IDE to the configuration file. During local running your computer will act as if it was a single node in the SLURM system, and the env file will provide the arguments which would typically come from the grid management script.
See: https://github.com/Ashald/EnvFile
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1 OUTPUT_DIR=/<Path To>/HyperBench/jobs/output/sim_anneal RUN_KEY=1 python3 simu_entry.py
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1 OUTPUT_DIR=/<Path To>/HyperBench/jobs/output/tabu_search python3 tabu_entry.py
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1 OUTPUT_DIR=/<Path To>/HyperBench/jobs/output/genetic python3 genetic_entry.py
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1 OUTPUT_DIR=/<Path To>/HyperBench/jobs/output/dispatching_rules python3 dispatching_rules_entry.py
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1 OUTPUT_DIR=/<Path To>/HyperBench/jobs/output/constraint python3 constraint_entry.py
The default parameters have been selected from a range of literature. There is an accompanying report to this project which may be made public at some stage in the future.
https://eprints.ncl.ac.uk/file_store/production/56840/02F80BF2-FA85-49F3-B5B4-3E63CB6A4412.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Genetic-algorithm-parameters-and-their-values-types_tbl2_266204025