.NET Socrata SDK for reading and writing to Socrata APIs
// Create the client
ISocrataClient client = new SocrataClient(new Uri("https://{domain}.data.socrata.com"), "apikey", "apisecret");
// Optionally validate the client connection
bool IsValidConnection = client.ValidateConnection();
// Listing all schedules on a domain
List<Schedule> allSchedules = client.GetSchedules();
// Listing all Gateway agents on a domain
List<Agent> allAgents = client.GetAgents();
// Get a resource by its ID*
Resource dataset = client.GetResource("abcd-1234");
// Get a resource by its Resource ID Alias*
Resource dataset = client.GetResourceByAlias("transaction_amounts");
// Get all resources on a domain
List<DomainResource> resources = socrataClient.GetResources();
resources.ForEach((resource) => { System.Console.WriteLine(resource.Id) });
// Get Latest Activity Log on the Domain
List<ActivityLogModel> activities = socrataClient.GetLatestActivityLog();
activities.ForEach((activity) => {
Note Dataset IDs
// Through DSMAPI
DsmapiResourceBuilder builder = socrataClient.CreateDsmapiResourceBuilder("ToDelete");
Revision initialRevision = builder
.SetDescription($"{System.DateTime.Now} <b>TEST</b>")
Source source = initialRevision.CreateUploadSource("test-csv.csv");
string filepath = @"Incidents.csv";
string csv = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filepath);
source.AwaitCompletion(status => Console.WriteLine(status));
OutputSchema os = source.GetLatestOutputSchema();
os.ChangeColumnName("agency", "agency2")
.ChangeColumnDescription("area_district", "TEST")
.ChangeTransform("area_beat", Transforms.NUMBER("area_beat"))
.ChangeTransform("area_station", Transforms.CUSTOM("upper('TEST')"))
.ChangeTransform("area_quadrant", Transforms.CUSTOM("replace(" + Transforms.TEXT("incident_id").Value + ", '0', '1')"))
source.AwaitCompletion(status => Console.WriteLine(status));
bool valid = os.ValidateRowId("incident_id");
throw Exception("Invalid Row Id");
source.AwaitCompletion(status => Console.WriteLine(status));
initialRevision.AwaitCompletion(status => Console.WriteLine(status));
Resource newResource = new Resource(initialRevision.Metadata.FourFour, socrataClient.httpClient);
// Optionally set the Resource Alias - this allows you to refer to the dataset
// later by this alias without knowing the dataset ID
// Aliases MUST be lower case, alphanumeric + `-` and `_` , unique to that domain
// Optionally set the permission level of the resource - by default they are created as PRIVATE assets
// Through SODA
Column id = new Column("id", SocrataDataType.TEXT);
SODASchema schema = new SchemaBuilder()
.AddColumn(new Column("text", SocrataDataType.TEXT))
.AddColumn(new Column("number", SocrataDataType.NUMBER))
.AddColumn(new Column("point", SocrataDataType.POINT))
.AddColumn(new Column("date", SocrataDataType.DATETIME, "Data Column Description"))
.AddColumn(new Column("bool", SocrataDataType.BOOLEAN))
Resource newDataset = socrataClient.CreateSodaResourceBuilder("My New Dataset")
// Optionally set the Resource Alias - this allows you to refer to the dataset
// later by this alias without knowing the dataset ID
// Aliases MUST be lower case, alphanumeric + `-` and `_` , unique to that domain
// Optionally set the permission level of the resource - by default they are created as PRIVATE assets
NOTE When creating a SoQL View, some known query patterns are currently not supported. In particular:
is not permitted, columns must be explicitly referenced
// Get a resource (by ID or ALIAS)
Resource dataset = client.GetResource("abcd-1234");
string query = @"
SELECT transaction_type, sum(amount)
View view = cases.CreateViewFromSoQL(query);
//// Advanced Queries
// Get a resource (by ID or ALIAS)
Resource cases = client.GetResourceByAlias("cases");
Resource caseoffenses = client.GetResourceByAlias("caseoffenses");
Resource addresses = client.GetResourceByAlias("addresses");
string query = @"
SELECT casenumber, @cs.case_offense_type, @ad.centroid
LEFT OUTER JOIN @caseoffenses as cs ON @cs.case_id = case_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN @addresses as ad ON @ad.address_id = address_id
CollocationJob collocate = cases.CollocateToResources(List<Resource>{
// Run the collocation (might take a while if datasets are large)
collocate.Run(status => Console.WriteLine(status));
// Create your view
View view = cases.CreateViewFromSoQL(query);
Permissions are managed at the view or resource level.
// Audience Levels:
// AudienceLevel.PRIVATE = private asset, only available to roled domain managers, dataset owner, and administrators
// AudienceLevel.INTERNAL = internally private to the site, only available to roled users on the domain
// AudienceLevel.PUBLIC = externally public, *NOTE* on most sites the asset will need to be APPROVED in order to be made public
// Private assets can have private, internal, and public views.
// Get the Resource
Resource resource = socrataClient.GetResournce("abcd-1234");
// Change its Audience Level
// Create an internal view
View view = resource.CreateViewFromSoQL("view", "SELECT id", AudienceLevel.INTERNAL);
// Optionally, change the view after the fact
Resource resource = socrataClient.GetResournce("abcd-1234");
// Get Existing Schedule
Schedule schedule = resource.GetSchedule()
// ==> Results in an HTTP Error if no schedule exists
// New Schedules
ScheduleResource newSchedule = new ScheduleResource
Paused = false,
Cadence = new ScheduleCadence {
Cron = "0 9 * * *",
Timezone = "America/New_York"
Action = new ScheduleAction {
Type = "connection_agent",
Parameters = new ScheduleParameters {
AgentUid = "1234-abcd-lmno-9876",
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {},
Path = new List<string> {},
Namespace = new ScheduleAgentNamespace {
Type = "csv",
Name = "CSV Plugin"
// Updating Existing Schedules
newSchedule.Paused = true; // This will pause the schedule
// Deleting a schedule
Socrata Data Type | Rough SQL Mapping | Example |
Text | varchar, text | "Text" |
Number | int, float, double | 1, 3.14 |
Date | convert(date, 426) | "2020-01-01" |
Timestamp | convert(datetime, 426) | "2020-01-01T13:42:10" |
Boolean | boolean, bit | 1, true |
Null | null | null |
Notes: |
- The escape character for text values is
- Dates must be passed in as string
- Datetimes will not be converted to specific timezones, so be sure all the dates are in the correct/same timezone when they are exported
- Decimals are demarcated with a
- All of these will be converted to JSON when sent to Socrata, so when in doubt, consult the
Any geospatial data will need to converted into Well-Known Text (WKT) with WGS84 (ESPG 4326) Latitude and Longitude values or geocoded via a DSMAPI transform.
In general, a decimal precision of 5 is sufficient.
Socrata Data Type | Example |
Point | "POINT (37.192 -168.223)" |
MultiPoint | "MULTIPOINT ((37.192 -168.223),(42.1110 -172.9339))" |
LineString | "LINESTRING (30 10, 10 30, 40 40)" |
MultiLineString | "MULTILINESTRING ((10 10, 20 20, 10 40),(40 40, 30 30, 40 20, 30 10))" |
Polygon | "POLYGON ((35 10, 45 45, 15 40, 10 20, 35 10),(20 30, 35 35, 30 20, 20 30))" |
MultiPolygon | "MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 45 40, 10 40, 30 20)),((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))" |
// Insert Functionality
List<Dictionary<string, string>> newRecords = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>
new Dictionary<string, string>{{"api_field", "nextvalue"},{"other_field", "test"}}
Result result = dataset.Rows().Insert(newRecords);
// Update Functionality
List<Dictionary<string, object>> recordsToUpdate = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>
new Dictionary<string, object>{{"row_identifier", 1},{"column_that_changed", "newvalue"}}
Result result = dataset.Rows().Update(recordsToUpdate);
// Delete Functionality
List<Dictionary<string, string>> recordsToDelete = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>
new Dictionary<string, string>{{"row_identifier", "ID-1"}}
Result result = dataset.Rows().Delete(recordsToDelete);
// Check if it was successful
// Check the results
Assert.AreEqual(newRecords.Length, result.Inserted);
file extension | content type |
CSV | text/csv |
TSV | text/tsv |
KML | google-kml |
ZIP (shapefile) | application/octet-stream |
BLOB | application/octet-stream |
Resource resource = socrataClient.GetResource("tzmz-8bnb");
Revision revision = resource.OpenRevision(RevisionType.REPLACE); // UPDATE/DELETE
Source source = revision.CreateUploadSource("test-csv.csv");
string filepath = @"C:\Path\To\MyFile.csv";
string csv = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filepath);
ByteSink sink = source.StreamingSource(ContentType.CSV);
//Open the stream and read the file.
string errorFile = "C:\Path\To\ErrorRows.csv";
long numberOfErrors = source.NumberOfErrors();
throw new Exception($"{numberOfErrors} Error(s) were found in the upload");
Resource resource = socrataClient.GetResource("tzmz-8bnb");
Revision revision = resource.OpenRevision(RevisionType.REPLACE);
revision.SetDescription("New description for the <b>resource</b>");
revision.RenameResource("New Name");
source.AwaitCompletion(status => Console.WriteLine(status));
revision.AwaitCompletion(status => Console.WriteLine(status));
You can also use the Rows() to access records in the dataset
/* Example custom class
class MyResource
[DataMember(Name = "column_field")]
public string ColumnField { get; internal set; }
Resource resource = socrataClient.GetResource("tzmz-8bnb");
Rows rows = resource.Rows();
List<MyResource> allRecords = rows.FetchAll<MyResource>();
long limit = 1000;
long offset = 0;
List<MyResource> someRecords = rows.Fetch<MyResource>(limit, offset);
// Conversely, you can just use a Map<string, object>
List<Map<string, object>> allRecords = rows.FetchAll<Map<string, object>>();
You might have a really big dataset, which will require paginating over the result set.
Resource resource = socrataClient.GetResource("tzmz-8bnb");
Rows rows = resource.Rows();
List<Map<string, object>> allRecords = new List<Map<string, object>>()
// Get the total number of records
long total = rows.Count();
long limit = 1000;
long offset = 0;
while(offset < total)
allRecordsrows.Add(rows.Fetch<Map<string, object>>(limit, offset));
offset += limit;
Resource dataset = client.GetResource("abcd-1234");
string resourceName = dataset.metadata.Name;
dotnet test
Or a specific test:
dotnet test --filter {testname}