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A tool for capturing moments of interest
Clippi is a video editing and production tool that aims to capture moments of interest in long form content (podcasts, streams etc.)
Clippi leverages ML pipelines and media processing algorithms to analyze text, audio, and visual data. The metadata is used to produce "weight embeddings" on sections of the video based on perceived interest/desire. The moments of interest are delivered as timestamp indices representing the best clips found.
With clips that are of interest, Clippi can generate natural language varying in depth depending on the use case. (descriptions, captions, chapters, summaries etc.)
install from source
λ git clone https://github.com/cameronslee/clippi.git
λ cd clippi
install packages
λ pip install -r requirements.txt
λ python3 /clippi/clippi.py
λ docker build -t clippi .
λ docker run -dit clippi
λ docker ps -a
# can attach to the session with the following:
λ docker exec -it <container_name> bash
This project is still in development.