This is a front-end application demonstrating skills gained in the first quarter of Web Development Immersive program at Galvanize, San Francisco.
The code features ES6 syntax and jQuery, it makes extensive use of promises and OOP to perform asynchronous actions in response to user behavior, and coordinates operations across three APIs to deliver a virtually seamless UI.
- Allows users to log in with their Instagram account, search Google Maps, and view/ examine Instagram photos tagged with the searched location.
- Project currently only accepts users registered through the Instagram API developer sandbox, but for Future Features, I hope to gain access to public data in order to allow visitors to checkout what other users have been posting in their area.
- Allows users to sign in and see their own photos.
- Access public data to allow users to view the most recent photos taken at a particular location, anywhere in the world.
- Languages Used:
- JavaScript (ES6)
- APIs Used:
- Google Maps
- Google Maps JS
- Instagram (OAuth 2.0)
- Other Tools:
- Materialize front-end framework
- jQuery JavaScript library
- My inspiration for this app came from a past feature of the Instagram mobile app which allowed users to see their photos on an interactive map based on geotags. I wanted to recreate this feature for myself, to see my recent photos mapped as a means of visual storytelling, and potentially open it up as a social tool to examine patterns of data and share maps with friends.
- I am also interested in highlighting the pervasiveness of geocoding, creating space for questions about the risks and benefits of having so much of our digital lives tracked spatially.
- The linear timeline is an inherently limited medium for self-expression and reflection. Leveraging spatial relationships to understand the complexities of identity and interconnection provide a far more nuanced perspective.
- Fork and Clone this repo.
- Register for Google Maps API Keys (You will need one each for the Geocode, and Google Maps JS APIs).
- Create an api-keys.js file. The file should look like this:
const GEOCODE_KEY = 'bcowbrouwcblew' const GOOGLE_MAPS_JS_KEY = 'cblqbwqlwbcejl'
- Run
npm start
to get started with localhost in the browser. - Explore your visual story in a spatial context!