entry_point: Defines the file where the function for hyperparameter optimization is located
function_name: The function that executes the hyperparameter optimization (training and evaluation of the model)
dataset_path: The path to a dataset. This variable is optional. If you don't want to set it delete data_options completely.
copy_data: If the chosen dataset should be copied into the workspace
git_uri: The git URI to the repository of your model
branch: The branch that will be used for the hyperparameter search
use_local_workspace: If a local experiment folder should be created in root folder or a dedicated workspace directory (https://wiki.bwhpc.de/e/Workspace). This variable is optional. The default is false.
cluster: Either "bwunicluster" or "horeka". Defines the cluster you are working on
number_chain_jobs: How many times should a job - the suggestion evaluation - be chained together. It is used to cirumvent the problem of time outs in the cluster. How to calculate the number of chained jobs:
- t_eval: Time needed to run one evaluation cycle(Training and evaluating the model for one set of hyperparameters)
- parallel_bandwith: How many models will be evaluated in parallel, this variable is defined in the section "experiment"
- time: The time a single job will run on the cluster. This variable is defined in the section "sigopt_options". The maximum time a job can run depends on the cluster. We suggest maximizing the time before chaining jobs.
- observation_budget: How many suggestions will be created and evaluated. This variable is also defined in section "experiment".
- number_chain_jobs = (observation_budget * t_eval) / (parallel_bandwith * time) Round this number up and maybe increase it a bit, to make sure, that the hyperparameter search has enough time. But if the time is not enough and the search stops before it is finished you still have the option to continue it. This variable must be an integer value.
observation_budget: The maximum number of trials sigopt will attempt to find the best hyperparameters
parallel_bandwidth: The number of parallel evaluations
conda_env: Name of the conda environment used to execute your model This variable is optional, you can also put an environment.yaml file into the topmost folder of your models GitHub repo.
In this paragraph we show parameter examples for some datatypes: Make sure that the names used here match to the names you extract in the train and evaluation function (See Quickstart Section 2 or Tutorial Section 3)
- name: max_depth
type: int
min: 1
max: 5
Discrete Values:
- name: max_depth
type: int
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 8
- name: gamma
type: double
min: -5
max: 5
Discrete Values:
- name: gamma
type: double
- -0.5
- -0.1
- 1.5
- 4.3
- name: criterion
type: categorical
- 'gini'
- 'entropy'
We need to use a trick here, since there is no boolean type:
- name: use_xy
type: int
- 0
- 1
Option 2:
- name: use_xy
type: categorical
- "False"
- "True"
Using this might require changes in your code since the datatypes might not match.
We need to use a trick here, since there is no None option:
- name: max_features
type: categorical
- 'sqrt'
- 'log2'
- 'None'
In this case you have to change your code, so that the String "None" gets converted to an actual None.
In this section we give an example for single- and multi-metric optimization
Example for a single-metric optimization:
- name: inception_score
objective: maximize
strategy: optimize
Example for multi-metric optimization:
- name: inception_score
objective: maximize
strategy: optimize
- name: fid
objective: minimize
strategy: optimize
- name: name_of_metric_3
objective: minimize
strategy: store
If you use multiple metrics your hyperparameter evaluation function has to return a list of dictionaries:
results = [{'name': 'name_of_metric_1',
'value': value_of_metric_1},
{'name': 'name_of_metric_2',
'value': value_of_metric_2}]
return results
- name: the name of the metric. Has to match one name in the dict returned by the evaluation function.
- objective: defines whether the metric should be maximized or minimized. The two possible values are 'maximize' and 'minimize' (without ' ')
- strategy: defines if SigOpt should optimize or only track the metric: Possible values: 'optimize' and 'store' (without ' ').
- partition: Here you define the partition you want to use on the cluster. The names of possible partitions depend on the
cluster you use.
- The partitions with GPUs on the BWUniCluster:
- "gpu_4"
- "dev_gpu_4"
- "gpu_8"
- The partitions with GPUs on the HoreKA cluster:
- dev_accelerated
- accelerated
- The partitions with GPUs on the BWUniCluster:
The options gres, ntasks, mem-per-gpu and time are completely optional and if left empty filled automatically.
- gres: With this variable you can define resources you want to allocate on the server:
We recommend defining the number of GPUs to allocate:
- 1 GPU: "gres: 'gpu:1' "
- 2 GPUs: "gres: 'gpu:2' "
- 3 GPUs: "gres: 'gpu:3' "
- ...
Without the " "
- ntasks: Just set this to the "parallel_bandwith", see Section "sigopt_options"
- mem-per-gpu: RAM allocated per GPU
- time: The time a single job will run. For more information look at "number_chain_jobs" in section "experiment"
dev_run: Used to toggle dev_run. If dev_run is true, the created suggestions are random and the hyperparameter search won't work. Use this option to debug your code and set it to false when your code works.
project_id: The id of your project. You can find this online when you are logged in to SigOpt. Make sure that a project with this id exists.
experiment_name: The name of the SigOpt experiment.
client_id: Your client id. You can find it online on the SigOpt site: https://app.sigopt.com/tokens/info under the menu points:
- <Your Username>
- "API Tokens"
- <Your Username>