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UASAL / Acronyms

For storing the latest versions of acronyms for other repos to pull from. The combined_acronyms.tex file was generating by using non-duplicate values from original .tex files found in other repos and on Overleaf. These can be viewed in the archives directory. The purpose of having one acronym.tex file instead of multiple is to limit issues with compiling latex documentation if there are duplicate listings. A rough script for generating a markdown file from the combined .tex acronyms file provided as well.

Editing Information

  • Apply updates to the combined_acronyms.tex file.
  • Update Modified section in combined_acronyms.tex with the date you edited the file.
  • VERIFY added acronyms are not already within the dictionary as this will cause issues in latex generating repositories that use this repo for acronym pulling.
    • Eventually, a check can be added to this repo for doing automatically.
  • GitHub workflow will update this files' markdown conversion run display and add a new file with the adjustments.
    • This format can be changed to a markdown table if of use in the future.

Results of the last latex to markdown conversion run shown below:

Acronym Listing / Descriptions

  • Working list of active and past acronyms / abbreviations used for a variety of projects.
  • Refer to the acronyms.tex file for making additional edits and updates to this sheet.

Edit Notes & Information:

  • Modified- 20240125 (YYYYMMDD)
  • Notes: Combined other acronym listings to this file and added some missing acronyms.


  • AU -> AU -> astronomical Unit [1.5e11 m]
  • pc -> pc -> parsec
  • mas -> mas -> milliarcsecond
  • nm -> nm -> nanometer
  • CTE -> CTE -> coefficient of thermal expansion
  • sqarc -> as^2 -> square arcsecond
  • ppm -> ppm -> Part Per Million


  • smc -> SMC -> Small Magellanic Cloud
  • lmc -> LMC -> Large Magellanic Cloud
  • ism -> ISM -> interstellar medium
  • mw -> MW -> Milky Way
  • epseri -> $\epsilon$ Eri -> Epsilon Eridani
  • EKB -> EKB -> Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt
  • CFR -> CFR -> Complete Frequency Redistribution


  • nasa -> NASA -> National Aeronautics and Space Agency
  • esa -> ESA -> European Space Agency
  • omi -> OMI -> *Optical Mechanics Inc.
  • gsfc -> GSFC-> Lower-Case: nasa -> Goddard Space Flight Center
  • stsci -> STScI -> Space Telescope Science Institute
  • nsroc -> NSROC-> Lower-Case: nasa -> Sounding Rocket Operations Contract
  • wff -> WFF-> Lower-Case: nasa -> Wallops Flight Facility
  • wsmr -> WSMR -> White Sands Missile Range
  • BCT -> BCT -> Blue Canyon Technologies
  • SFL -> SFL -> Spaceflight Laboratory
  • UA -> UA -> University of Arizona
  • UTIAS -> UTIAS -> University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
  • DIATF -> DIATF -> Drake Imager Assembly and Testing Facility
  • ETS -> ets -> Engineering Technical Services
  • ASTM -> ASTM -> American Society for Testing and Materials

Technologies and Sensors:

  • irac -> IRAC -> Infrared Array Camera
  • Plural= CCDs, charge-coupled devices (CCDs) -> ccd -> CCD -> charge-coupled device
  • Plural= EMCCDs, electron multiplying charge-coupled devices (EMCCDs) -> EMCCD -> EMCCD -> electron multiplying charge-coupled device
  • DM -> DM -> Deformable Mirror
  • ipc -> IPC -> Image Proportional Counter
  • cots -> COTS -> Commercial Off-The-Shelf
  • COTS -> COTS -> commercial off-the-shelf
  • ISR -> ISR -> incoherent scatter radar
  • atcamera -> AT -> angle tracker
  • MEMS -> MEMS -> microelectromechanical systems
  • QE -> QE -> quantum efficiency
  • RTD -> RTD -> Resistance Temperature Detector
  • PID -> PID -> Proportional-Integral-Derivative
  • PRNU -> PRNU -> photo response non-uniformity
  • DSNU -> PRNU -> dark signal non-uniformity
  • CMOS -> CMOS -> complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor
  • TEC -> TEC -> thermoelectric cooler


  • FOV -> FOV -> field-of-view
  • NIR -> NIR -> near-infrared
  • PV -> PV -> Peak-to-Valley
  • MRF -> MRF -> Magnetorheological finishing
  • AO -> AO -> Adaptive Optics
  • TTP -> TTP -> tip, tilt, and piston
  • FPS -> FPS -> fine pointing system
  • SHWFS -> SHWFS -> Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor
  • OAP -> OAP -> off-axis parabola
  • LGS -> LGS -> laser guide star
  • WFCS -> WFCS -> wavefront control system
  • OPD -> OPD -> optical path difference
  • MEL -> MEL -> Master Equipment List
  • EFC -> EFC -> electric-field conjugation
  • iEFC -> EFC -> implicit -> Lower-Case= EFC
  • LDFC -> LDFC -> linear dark field control
  • DAC -> DAC -> digital-to-analog converter
  • TMA -> TMA -> three-mirror anastigmat
  • resel -> resel -> resolution element
  • BOM -> BOM -> Bill of Materials

Spacecraft and Sounding Rocket:

  • acs -> ACS -> attitude control system
  • orsa -> ORSA -> Ogive Recovery System Assembly
  • gse -> GSE -> ground station equipment
  • FSM -> FSM -> fast steering Mirror
  • CFRP -> CRFP -> carbon fiber reinforced plastic
  • CDP -> CDP -> critical design phase
  • CDR -> CDR -> critical design review
  • LEO -> LEO -> low-earth orbit
  • GEO -> GEO -> geosynchronous orbit
  • FEA -> FEA -> finite element analysis
  • ESPA -> ESPA -> EELV Secondary Payload Adapter
  • EEID -> EEID -> Earth-equivalent Insolation Distance, the distance from the star where the incident energy density is that of the Earth received from the Sun
  • STOP -> STOP -> Structural-Thermal-Optical-Performance
  • STM -> STM -> science traceability matrix
  • ConOps -> ConOps -> concept of operations
  • NRE -> NRE -> non-recurring engineering
  • CSR -> CSR -> concept study report
  • XAO -> XAO -> extreme-adaptive optics
  • AT -> AT -> angle tracking camera
  • SRR -> SRR -> system requirements review
  • ROI -> ROI -> region of interest
  • LCP -> LCP -> liquid-crystal polymer
  • CBE -> CBE -> current best estimate
  • SBC -> SBC -> single-board computer
  • ADCS -> ADCS -> attitude determination and control system
  • CDH -> C&DH -> command and data handling
  • EPS -> EPS -> electrical power system
  • TLE -> TLE -> Two Line Element set
  • TRL -> TRL -> technology readiness level
  • swap -> SWaP -> Size, Weight, and Power

High Contrast Imaging:

  • WFS -> WFS -> wavefront sensor
  • LSI -> LSI -> Lateral Shearing Interferometer
  • VVC -> VVC -> Vector Vortex Coronagraph
  • VNC -> VNC -> Visible Nulling Coronagraph
  • CGI -> CGI -> Coronagraph Instrument
  • IWA -> IWA -> Inner Working Angle
  • OWA -> OWA -> Outer Working Angle
  • NPZT -> N-PZT -> Nuller piezoelectric transducer
  • ZWFS -> ZWFS -> Zernike wavefront sensor
  • SPC -> SPC -> Shaped Pupil Coronagraph
  • HLC -> HLC -> Hybrid-Lyot Coronagraph
  • ADI -> ADI -> angular differential imaging
  • RDI -> RDI -> reference differential imaging
  • HOWFSC -> HOWFS/C -> high-order wavefront sensing and control
  • WFSC -> WFSC -> wavefront sensing and control
  • CDI -> CDI -> coherent differential imaging
  • SCC -> SCC -> self-coherent camera
  • LLOWFS -> LLOWFS -> Lyot low-order wavefront sensor
  • VSG -> VSG -> vacuum surface gauge
  • TDEM -> TDEM -> Technology Development for Exoplanet Missions
  • HZ -> HZ -> habitable zone
  • ODI -> ODI -> orbital-differential imaging
  • PSFTFC -> PSFTFC -> PSF template subtracted coronagraphy
  • LOWFSC -> LOWFSC -> Low-order -> Lower-Case= WFS -> and control
  • scoob -> SCoOB -> Space Coronagraph Optical Bench
  • FDPR -> FDPR -> focus diversity phase retrieval

Observatories and Instruments:

  • HST -> HST -> Hubble Space Telescope
  • GPS -> GPS -> Global Positioning System
  • ISS -> ISS -> International Space Station
  • Description= Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer -> acis -> ACIS -> Advanced -> Lower-Case= ccd -> Imaging Spectrometer
  • stis -> STIS -> *Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  • mcp -> MCP -> Microchannel Plate
  • jwst -> JWST -> *JWST
  • fuse -> FUSE -> *FUSE
  • galex -> GALEX -> *Galaxy Evolution Explorer
  • spitzer -> Spitzer -> *Spitzer Space Telescope
  • mips -> MIPS -> Multiband Imaging Photometer for -> Lower-Case= spitzer
  • gissmo -> GISSMO -> Gas Ionization Solar Spectral Monitor
  • iue -> IUE -> International Ultraviolet Explorer
  • spinr -> SPINR -> *Spectrograph for Photometric Imaging with Numeric Reconstruction
  • imager -> IMAGER -> *Interstellar Medium Absorption Gradient Experiment Rocket
  • TPF-C -> TPF-C -> Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph
  • RAIDS -> RAIDS -> Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System
  • mama -> MAMA -> Multi-Anode Microchannel Array
  • ATLAST -> ATLAST -> Advanced Technology Large Aperture Space Telescope
  • PICTURE -> PICTURE -> Planet Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Rocket Experiment
  • LITES -> LITES -> Limb-imaging Ionospheric and Thermospheric Extreme-ultraviolet Spectrograph
  • LBT -> LBT -> Large Binocular Telescope
  • LBTI -> LBTI -> Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer
  • KIN -> KIN -> Keck Interferometer Nuller
  • SHARPI -> SHARPI -> Solar High-Angular Resolution Photometric Imager
  • IRAS -> IRAS -> Infrared Astronomical Satellite
  • HARPS -> HARPS -> High Accuracy Radial velocity Planetary
  • hstSTIS -> STIS -> Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  • spitzerIRAC -> IRAC -> Infrared Array Camera
  • spitzerMIPS -> MIPS -> Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer
  • spitzerIRS -> IRS -> Infrared Spectrograph
  • CHARA -> CHARA -> Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy
  • wfirst-afta -> WFIRST-AFTA -> Wide-Field InfrarRed Survey Telescope-Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets
  • GPI -> GPI -> Gemini Planet Imager
  • WFIRST -> Roman -> Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
  • HabEx -> HabEx -> Habitable Exoplanet Observatory Mission Concept
  • FGS -> FGS -> Fine Guidance Sensor
  • MGHPCC -> MGHPCC -> Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
  • WISE -> WISE -> Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
  • ALMA -> ALMA -> Atacama Large Millimeter Array
  • GRAIL -> GRAIL -> Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory
  • jwstNIRCam -> NIRCam -> near--> Lower-Case= IR-camera
  • jwstMIRI -> MIRI -> Mid-Infrared Instrument
  • LUVOIR -> LUVOIR -> Large UV Optical IR Surveyor
  • Roman -> Roman -> Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
  • STP -> HLST -> Hypothetical Large Space Telescopes
  • CDEEP -> ESC -> STP ExtraSolar Camera, a Coronagraphic Pathfinder
  • ESC -> ESC -> ExtraSolar Camera
  • CCS -> WCC -> Wavefront and Context Camera
  • WCC -> WCC -> Wavefront and Context Camera
  • LSST -> LSST -> Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
  • M1 -> M1 -> Mirror 1 (Telescope Module Primary Mirror)
  • M2 -> M2 -> Mirror 2 (Telescope Module Secondary Mirror)
  • M3 -> M3 -> Mirror 3
  • M4 -> M4 -> Mirror 4
  • AOA -> AOA -> Aft-Optics Assembly
  • FOA -> FOA -> Fore-Optics Assembly
  • AOSS -> AOSS -> Aft-optics Support Structure
  • MMTO -> MMTO -> MMT Observatory
  • MMT -> MMT -> Multiple Mirror Telescope
  • PMCC -> PMCC -> primary mirror (M1) control computer
  • PMSS -> PMSS -> primary mirror (M1) support structure
  • UASAL -> UASAL -> UArizona Space Astrophysics Lab
  • ITL -> ITL -> Imaging Technology Lab
  • TAO -> TAO -> Tokyo Atacama Observatory
  • UVS -> UVS -> Ultraviolet Spectrograph
  • IFS -> IFS -> Integral Field Spectrograph
  • STIS -> STIS -> Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  • SCoOB -> scoob -> space-coronagraph optical bench


  • AURIC -> AURIC -> The Atmospheric Ultraviolet Radiance Integrated Code
  • FFT -> FFT -> Fast Fourier Transform
  • MODTRAN -> MODTRAN -> MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission
  • idl -> IDL -> *Interactive Data Language
  • sort=NED,Description= NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database -> ned -> NED-> Lower-Case: nasa/-> Lower-Case= ipac -> Extragalactic Database
  • iraf -> IRAF -> Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
  • wcs -> WCS -> World Coordinate System
  • pegase -> PEGASE -> *Projet d'Etude des GAlaxies par Synthese Evolutive
  • dirty -> DIRTY -> *DustI Radiative Transfer, Yeah!
  • CUDA -> CUDA -> Compute Unified Device Architecture
  • KLIP -> KLIP -> Karhunen-Lo`eve Image Processing
  • FEM -> FEM -> finite element method
  • CLI -> CLI -> command-line interface
  • CAD -> CAD -> computer-aided design
  • DBMS -> DBMS -> database management system
  • POPPY -> POPPY -> Physical Optics Propagation in Python
  • SOEDMS -> SOEDMS -> Steward Observatory Electronic Data Management System

Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere:

  • MSIS -> MSIS -> Mass Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter Radar
  • nmf2 -> N_m -> F2-Region Peak density
  • hmf2 -> h_m -> F2-Region Peak height
  • H -> H -> F2-Region Scale Height

Misc jargon:

  • isr -> ISR -> Incoherent Scatter Radar
  • Description= TLA Within Another Acronym -> twaa -> TWAA-> Lower-Case: tla -> Within Another Acronym
  • Plural= SNe, Supernovae (SNe) -> sn -> SN -> Supernova
  • EUV -> EUV -> Extreme-Ultraviolet
  • EUVS -> EUVS-> Lower-Case: EUV -> Spectrograph
  • F2 -> F2 -> Ionospheric Chapman F Layer
  • F10.7 -> F10.7 -> 10.7 cm radio flux [10^-22 W m^-2 Hz^-1]
  • FUV -> FUV -> far-ultraviolet
  • IR -> IR -> infrared
  • MUV -> MUV -> mid-ultraviolet
  • NUV -> NUV -> near-ultraviolet
  • nir -> NIR -> near-infrared
  • mir -> MIR -> mid-infrared
  • UV -> UV -> ultraviolet
  • O^+ -> O^+ -> Singly Ionized Oxygen Atom
  • OI -> OI -> Neutral Atomic Oxygen Spectroscopic State
  • OII -> OII -> Singly Ionized Atomic Oxygen Spectroscopic State
  • PSF -> PSF -> point spread function
  • R_E -> R_E -> Earth radii [~ 6400 km]
  • RV -> RV -> radial velocity
  • WFE -> WFE -> wavefront error
  • sed -> SED -> spectral energy distribution
  • Plural= PAHs, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) -> pah -> PAH -> Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  • obsid -> OBSID -> Observation Identification
  • SZA -> SZA -> Solar Zenith Angle
  • PZT -> PZT -> lead zirconate titanate
  • AIT -> AIT -> Assembly, Integration and Test
  • CPR -> CPR -> cost performance report
  • FDR -> FDR -> final design review
  • DHS -> DHS -> data handling system
  • CNS -> CNS -> communications and network system
  • FOC -> FOC -> fiber optic cable
  • CDS -> CDS -> correlated double sampling
  • DDCP -> DDCP -> document and drawing control plan
  • FOCS -> FOCS -> feed optics control system
  • CSH -> CSH -> camera systems hardware
  • CSS -> CSS -> camera systems software
  • DMA -> DMA -> dynamic mechincal anlysis
  • MWIR -> MWIR -> midwave infrared
  • LWIR -> LWIR -> longwave infrared
  • SVD -> SVD -> singular value decomposition
  • NRM -> NRM -> normal response mode
  • KISS -> KISS -> keep it sans spectrometer
  • CIDL -> CIDL -> configuration item data list
  • ICD -> ICD -> interface control document
  • ERD -> ERD -> Environmental Requirements Document
  • EP -> EP -> Telescope Entrance Pupil
  • HFOV -> HFOV -> Half Field of View
  • L3 -> L3 -> Telescope Module Collimating Lens
  • QKD -> QKD -> Quantum Key Distribution
  • XP -> XP -> Telescope Exit Pupil
  • TBC -> TBC -> To Be Confirmed
  • TBD -> TBD -> To Be Determined
  • TBR -> TBR -> To Be Reviewed
  • EEIS -> EEIS -> End-to-End Information Systems
  • EA -> EA -> Executing Agent
  • SPGD -> SPGD -> Stochastic Parallel Gradient Descent
  • TAM -> TAM -> Test Allocation Matrix
  • CCP -> CCP -> Contamination Control Plan
  • VC -> VC -> Visualy Clean
  • VC-S -> VC-S -> Visualy Clean Sensitive
  • VC-HS -> VC-HS -> Visualy Clean High Sensitive
  • PAC -> PAC -> Percent Area Coverage
  • ATLO -> ATLO -> Assembly Test, and Launch Operations
  • QA -> QA -> Quality Assurance
  • UUT -> UUT -> Unit Under Test
  • P/N -> P/N -> Part Number
  • ESD -> ESD -> Electro-static Discharge
  • AC -> AC -> Alternating Current
  • RH -> RH -> Relative Humidity
  • RGA -> RGA -> Residual Gas Analyzer
  • esds -> ESDS -> ESD Sensitive
  • dmm -> DMM -> Digital Multimeter
  • DC -> DC -> Direct Current
  • CPG -> CPG -> Common Point Ground
  • WM -> WM -> Workmanship Manual
  • N/A -> N/A -> Not Applicable
  • na -> NA -> Not Applicable
  • MM -> MM -> Machine Model [for electrostatic discharge]
  • LVDS -> LVDS -> Low-Voltage Differential Signal
  • LNA -> LNA -> Low Noise Amplifier

Material Abbreviations

  • PVC -> PVC -> Polyvinyl Chloride
  • PTFE -> PTFE -> Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)


  • PCA -> PCA -> principal component analysis
  • fwhm -> FWHM -> full-width-half maximum
  • RMS -> RMS -> root mean squared
  • RMSE -> RMSE -> root mean squared error
  • MCMC -> MCMC -> Marcov chain Monte Carlo
  • DIT -> DIT -> discrete inverse theory
  • SNR -> SNR -> signal-to-noise ratio
  • PSD -> PSD -> power spectral density
  • NMF -> NMF -> non-negative matrix factorization
  • DOF -> DOF -> degrees-of-freedom


For storing the latest versions of acronyms for other repos to pull from.






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