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oaipmharvest is a harvester for OAI-PMH written in python and based on sickle (for now). It's special focus lies on support for advanced non-standard use cases. If you just need a the standard feature set, you might be better off with something more mature and better tested.

The oaipmharvester will connect to a given OAI-endpoint and store its responses in a given output folder. It enables you to make incremental requests from the given OAI-endpoint or even restrict the result set by a given date. In addition to that, it provides several features to dynamically construct set specifiers from smaller parts.

This is an alpha release. Use with caution.


  • Configuration via TOML
  • Advanced configuration support for dynamic sets (for e.g. those supported by BASE)


After cloning the git repository locally, set up a virtual environment and run

pip install oaipmharvest


For running the application, you can call after the installation the CLI command oaipm_harvest, which also provides a help function by calling oaipm_harvester -h.

usage: oaipm_harvest [-h] [--from FROM] [--until UNTIL] file

positional arguments:
  file                  Config file (TOML)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --from FROM, -f FROM  Harvest only items that where published after the specified date
  --until UNTIL, -u UNTIL
                        Harvest only items that where published before the specified date

To harvest a specific OAI, you have to provide a conf-file. An example conf-file for the most basic use case could be conf/my-journal.conf and would contain, for example:

endpoint_url = ""
metadata_prefixes = ["marcxml"]
out_dir = "./out_cte"
use_sets = false


endpoint_url is the OAI-base-URL you want to connect to.

metadata_prefixes is a list of formats you want to download. The format is simply handed to the OAI-interface and, hence, it depends on the OAI-interface, if it supports the given format or not.

out_dir is the directory, where all the downloaded data will be stored. If the given folder(s) do not exists, they will be created.

use_sets false


All parts of this code are copyrighted by the University Library JCS, Frankfurt a. M. The project is made available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.


This is a project created and maintained by the Specialised Information Service for Linguistics at the University Library J. C. Senckenberg and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG; project identifier 326024153).


Highly-configurable oai-pmh harvester







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