Lido Cli is a command line tool to process LIDO xml data for SOLR import.
Clone repository via git. Change to root directory of lido-cli and execute:
composer install
to load all dependencies via composer.
Make sure you have mbstring extension enabled.
To get an first overview over functions move to lido-cli/src and call
php ./lido-cli.php -h
to list available usage.
To run the lido-cli programme please note that the (-i|--import) parameter is required with a valid LIDO XML source file.
php ./lido-cli.php -i /path/to/lido-xml
Lido Cli follows the concept to be scalable in two directions to keep usability to manage different Lido sources.
- Run the output to a given Solr scheme with parameter (-s|schema)
- To process or normalize possible various LIDO xml interpretation (-r|record)
php ./lido-cli.php -i /path/to/lido-xml -r daphne -s vufind
The example will process Daphne LIDO data of Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden toward the VuFind Solr schema. If no parameter indicated the programme outputs native data of the NatLibFi LidoRecord class.
Output depends on given parameter (-e|--export) for an data directory where to store output in as line delimited json (*.ldj).
If no export parameter given lido-cli outputs Solr arrays on the screen for example evaluating processed content by the fly.
General Public License 3 or later; See also the LICENSE.txt file.