- Repo: http://github.com/ucberkeley/rails_access
- Contact: Joel Parker Henderson, joelparkerhenderson@berkeley.edu
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is an approach to authorization of users and systems.
To read a general introduction to RBAC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-based_access_control
This repo is a simple access control engine using Ruby on Rails 3.2.7. It is an experimental work-in-progress and we're making it public to help other Rails engine creators.
A simple text diagram of the connections:
User <--> Assignment <--> Role <--> Permission <--> Operation
A user is a tyipcally a person.
Examples: Alice, Bob, Carol.
This is provided by your application, rather than this engine. See more about this below.
A role is typically a job function.
Examples: Admin, Teacher, Student.
An operation is an application capability.
Examples: Read Note, Play Song, Send Mail.
An assignment links a user and role.
Example: Alice is assigned the admin role.
A permission links a role and operation.
Example: an admin has permission to read notes.
User model:
class User
# Add these two lines to your existing user model
has_many :assignments
has_many :roles, :through => :assignments
Assignment model:
class Assignment
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :role
Role model:
class Role
has_many :assignments
has_many :users, :through => :assignments
has_many :permissions
has_many :operations, :through => :permissions
Permission model:
class Permission
belongs_to :role
belongs_to :operation
Operation model:
class Operation
has_many :permissions
has_many :roles, :through => :permissions
This Rails engine assumes that your application provides a model called "User", and that you can add the two lines of code to your model to connect it to this engine.
We are building the engine this way to make it easy to add to our existing applications, which already have a User model.
We're considering making this configurable for different model names, such as "Person". If this is something you need, feel free to contact us and also we're happy to add pull requests.
For the alice user:
# Get roles
alice.roles #=> [admin, developer]
# Assign
alice.roles += [admin]
# Deassign
alice.roles -= [admin]
For the admin role:
# Get users:
admin.users #=> [alice]
# Assign
admin += [alice]
# Deassign
admin -= [alice]
# Get operations
admin.operations #=> [create_note, read_note, update_note, delete_note]
# Grant permission
admin.operations += [create_note]
# Revoke permission
admin.operations -= [create_note]
For the read_note operation:
# Get roles
read_note.roles #=> [admin]
# Grant permission
read_note.roles += [admin]
# Revoke permission
read_note.roles -= [admin]
An assignment is an association between one user and one role.
# Get user
assignment.user #=> alice
# Get role
assignment.role #=> admin
We can traverse the assignments:
# Get a user's assignments
alice.assignments #=> [array of assignments]
# Traverse
alice.assignments.first.role #=> admin
# Get a role's assignments
admin.assignments #=> [array of assignments]
# Traverse
admin.assignments.first.user #=> alice
A permission is an association between one role and one operation.
# Get role
permission.role #=> admin
# Get operation
permission.operation #=> read_note
We can traverse the permissions:
# Get a role's permissions
admin.permissions #=> [array of permissions]
# Traverse
admin.permissions.first.operation #=> read_note
# Get an operation's permissions
read_note.permissions #=> [array of permissions]
# Traverse
read_note.permissions.first.role #=> admin
Add the gem to the parent application's Gemfile
gem 'access', :path => "vendor/engines/access"
Mount the engine in the parent application’s config/routes.rb
mount Access::Engine, :at => "access"
To copy migrations from the engine to the parent application:
rake access:install:migrations
Run the migrations as usual:
rake db:migrate
Run the parent app as usual:
rails server
To try the engine: