In this workshop, attendees will be introduced to building an interactive web map to display spatial data using the Leaflet javascript library.
In this workshop, attendees will learn
- Introductory HTML skills, in particular, the tags that are most commonly used to format text on a webpage
- How to load javascript libraries into a web page
- An introduction to the Leaflet javascript library
- Where to get additional help with HTML and Leaflet
- Best practices for communicating data distributions with a web map
In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the following skills:
- Javascript
- Leaflet Javascript Library
Learners should have a basic understanding of spatial data formats such as vector and raster data, as well as experience with any coding language. Learners with previous experience with coding in HTML and javascript will have an easier time learning, but these skills are not required.
- Build a basic web page
- Add the libraries
- Add the map
- Add the data to the map
- Style the data
- Make a popup
Leaflet Reference - tutorials and documentation for the Leaflet javascript library
W3Schools - a good reference for HTML, CSS, & general javascript
Leafmap Basemap Search Tool - this is a python package, so it's not directly applicable to this workshop, however it may be useful to help you discover other basemap options or point you to sources you didn't know about