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Automations for GitHub Releases

GitHub release

This set of reusable workflows manages the complexity of creating and tagging new software releases on GitHub.

Versioning Standards

These workflows make the following assumptions:

  • Versions begin with a digit. This applies whether the project is using semantic versioning or not.
  • Git tags associated with a version begin with a v.

1.2.3, 1.alpha, and 4.2 are all acceptable versions, and will be tagged in git as v1.2.3, v1.alpha, and v4.2 respectively.

alpha, one.two, and v1.2.3 are not acceptable versions.


Usage of this tool requires adding three workflows to each calling repository (non-semantic repositories only need two). Complete versions of these workflows can be copied from the templates/ directory.

wf-prepare-release.yaml is triggered manually (via a workflow_dispatch) and takes the following actions:

  1. Compute the target version number.
  • Semantic repositories compute the version based on existing tags and user input for the bump type (major/minor/patch) and the prerelease flag.
  • Non-semantic repositories accept the next version as an input.
  1. Re-write the file to move unreleased changes into a new dated release section.
  2. (Optional) Update hardcoded version strings in files passed to version_files input.
  3. Open a PR listing the target version number and release tag.
        commit id: " "  tag: "v1" tag: "v1.0.0"
        commit id: "  "
        commit id: "   "

        checkout main
        branch prepare_patch
        commit id: "target: v1.0.1"

wf-finalize-release.yaml, triggered when a release PR is merged, takes the following actions:

  1. Create a new release with auto-generated notes and the target tag.
  • By default the new release is a draft, so no public release or tag are created without user intervention.
  1. Comment on the release PR with a link to the new release.
        commit id: " "  tag: "v1" tag: "v1.0.0"
        commit id: "  "
        commit id: "   "

        checkout main
        branch prepare_patch
        commit id: "target: v1.0.1"

        checkout main
        merge prepare_patch tag: "v1.0.1"


wf-alias-release.yaml is only applicable for repositories using semantic versioning.

wf-alias-release.yaml, triggered when a release is published or deleted, synchronizes the corresponding major tag alias to the highest non-prerelease release tag:

        commit id: " " tag: "v1.0.0"
        commit id: "  "
        commit id: "   "

        checkout main
        branch prepare_patch
        commit id: "target: v1.0.1"

        checkout main
        merge prepare_patch tag: "v1" tag: "v1.0.1"


You can add a badge that links to the release preparation workflow by including one of these Markdown snippets (after replacing ORG and REPO) to your README:

Public Repository

GitHub release

[![GitHub release](](

Private / Internal Repository

Prepare release

[![Prepare release](](


Parameters can be specified using the with option.

Workflow Parameter Type Required Description
wf-prepare-release.yaml bump_type string yes Kind of semantic release version to target. Must be one of major, minor, patch, or exact. Using exact requires exact_version.
wf-prepare-release.yaml prerelease boolean no If true, mark the bumped semantic release as a prerelease (only used if bump_type is not exact).
wf-prepare-release.yaml version_files string no Comma-separated relative paths to files containing hardcoded version strings (see note below).
wf-prepare-release.yaml exact_version string no The exact version to assign to the next release (only used if bump_type is exact). Must not include a leading v - use 1XXXX, not v1XXXX.
wf-prepare-release.yaml changelog string no Relative path to the CHANGELOG file. Defaults to ./
wf-prepare-release.yaml timezone string no IANA timezone to use when calculating the current date for the CHANGELOG. Defaults to America/Los_Angeles.
wf-finalize-release.yaml draft boolean no If true (the default), mark the new release as a draft and require manual intervention to continue.

Updating hard-coded strings with version_files


If possible, avoid embedding version numbers in version-controlled files. An alternative is to dynamically generate version numbers during the build or release process - hatch-vcs or setuptools-scm can do this for python packages.

Hard-coded version strings in files (e.g. in nextflow.config or files) can be updated by passing the filepath to the version_files input. The update behavior is simple and brittle: every input file must have exactly one line that looks like version = '1.2.3' (see the full regex in Multiple matches or no matches will stop the release.


tool-generate-docs is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. See the file for the terms of the GNU GPL license.

Copyright (C) 2024 University of California Los Angeles ("Boutros Lab") All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.