Joshua Andrews, joshandrews43
Kevin Mata, Mata17
Michael Zhou, MichaelZyh
Kevin Villanueva, VillanuevaK
Thomas Parker, tparker48
Kyle Stanfield, kylejstanfield
Matt Moss, matthewmoss
Summary: A web app that allows users to interact with well known search engines anonymously, which maintains their privacy and prevents search engines from collecting their data.
BING SEARCH Instructions on obtaining the Bing Search Key taken from: Create an Azure account. Go to the Azure portal, and click +Create a resource. Under Azure Marketplace, select AI + Machine Learning After clicking AI + ML, click on Bing Search V7 on the right. This is the only part that differs in the tutorial. Fill out the information on the create page. In over view click show access keys and you should see your keys.
GOOGLE Search: To get the Api Key Go to and under API key click on Get A Key. To get a SearhEngine ID go to Click on the "Custom Search Engine Control panel" Click on add to make a new serch engine and follow instructions. Enter "" as the url. Click "Contorl Panel" to find your Search Engine ID. Click on the "tutorial" for more instruciton on how to customize the search engine
DUCK DUCK GO: No extra work required
Copy the contents of localhost.json.SAMPLE into a new file called localhost.json and the contents of heroku.json.SAMPLE into a new file called heroku.json You should have copied the following into the files { "bingSubscriptionKey":"Enter the Bing subscription key here", "googleAPIKey":"Enter the Google API", "googleSearchEngineID":"Enter the Googe search engine ID" } Replace "Enter the Bing subscription key here" with the Bing key Replace "Enter the Google API" with the Google API key Replace "Enter the Googe search engine ID" with the Google search engine key
After changing the files, run 'source' on the command line to update the keys locally and './ --app name-of-your-herokuapp' to update the keys for heroku. You may want to redeploy for heroku after running the command.
If done correctly the app should run. Summary: Get keys, put keys in JSON files, run commands to update keys locally/on heroku.