- Rec Cen training partner
- An app used to find a workout partner
- Help UCSB Students Find Rec Cen Training Partners
- Follow the tutorial in the link above to set up mLab and MongoDB.
- MongoDB does not need to be installed
Create a file ".env" in your project folder in the following format:
- dbuser: database user created under the Users tab within the database on mLab
- dbpassword: the corresponding password (not your mLab password)
- dbmname: the name following the final '/' at the end of the MongoDB URI
- dbhosturl: the url between '@' and ':'
- dbport: the port number following the host url
To deploy locally run the commands:
mvn clean install
heroku local
The local site can be found on http://localhost:4567/
Go to your Heroku app and under the settings tab change the config vars with the same key/value pair as in the local .env set up above.
e.g. "MONGODB_USER" in Key field and "dbuser" in Value field.
Compile and deploy your web app with the following:
mvn compile; mvn package heroku:deploy