Instructions: Once you start up the program, you will be met with a login screen. If you do not have an account, click create account. You can then enter a username and password and click "create" to make a new account. If you do have an account, enter your username and password on the login screen. You can check the "Automatic Login" to save your account details, so that you can login without a password next time (by just inputting your username).
Click login, and you will see a list of recipes created by you. If this is your first time using this account, you will see no recipes; in order to add one, click on the "New Recipe" button and enter your meal type and ingrients via voice input.
To use the voice input, first press "Record Meal type," say your desired meal type, then press "Stop recording" below it. Next, press "Record Ingredients," say your desired ingredients, then press "Stop recording" below it. Finally, press "Generate recipe" below that.
After a short time, a recipe will be generated for you using the ingredients and meal type you provided. If you are satisfied with the result, you can save the generated recipe to your recipe list; otherwise, click the delete button to remove it. Alternatively, you can click "regenerate recipe" on the recipe page to generate a new recipe with the same ingredients and meal type.
When you close the recipe page, you can see your list of recipes, automatically sorted by creation date from newest to oldest. You can click the "sort by" dropdown to sort chronologically or alphabetically. You can also use the "filter by" dropdown to display only recipes of a certain meal type.
If you wish to edit any of your recipes, simply click on them in the list and a new window will open up containing your recipe's information. From here, you can edit the recipe and save your changes to the list. You can also click "Share" on the top right of the recipe page to automatically copy a link to your clipboard - this allows you to view the recipe in a web browser.
You can log out of your current account at any time by pressing the "Logout" button on the top right of the recipe list. You can then log back into any account you want, or create a new account.
When you are done, you can close the program and when you open the program back up and log in to the same account, your recipe list will be there.
Github repo link: